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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 TPM Reloaded
 TPM Reloaded

 Автор: Joel Levitt

  This is a challenging, innovative, and timely new look at implementing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) by one of the field's leading trainers and authors. The book takes into account the economic upheavals of recent years and demonstrates that TPM is less about moving maintenance tasks to operations than moving accountability for aggregate output of the plant to operators. The author goes on to show that effective TPM – TPM reloaded –
 Die Design Fundamentals
 Die Design Fundamentals

 Автор: Vukota Boljanovic

  Retaining its unique and much praised organization, this leading text has been revised to reflect the most recent developments in design tools. It provides balanced coverage of relevant fundamentals and real-world practices so that students, apprentices and on-the-job professionals can understand the important and often complex interrelationships between die design and the economic factors involved in manufacturing sheet-metal forming products.
 A Millwright's Guide to Motor Pump Alignment
 A Millwright's Guide to Motor Pump Alignment

 Автор: Tom Harlon

  A former engineer stated that the author's first edition contained more alignment information than the sum total of all other works in the Library of Congress. This second edition is the result of over 38 years of hard work and many thousands of hours of writing, testing, retesting, and testing again the alignment related formulas the author has developed on his own. It will make users work much easier and will assist them in making many do

 Handbook of Maintenance Management
 Handbook of Maintenance Management

 Автор: Joel Levitt

  Now in its second edition and written by a highly acclaimed maintenance professional, this comprehensive and easy-to-understand resource provides a short review of all the major discussions going on in the management of the maintenance function. This revision of a classic has been thoroughly updated to include advances in technology and thinking and is sure to be found useful by maintenance professionals everywhere. It's the perfect refe
 Programming of CNC Machines
 Programming of CNC Machines

 Автор: Ken Evans

  Written in simple, easy-to-understand language by skilled programmers with years of experience teaching CNC machining to the industry and in formal education settings, this new edition provides full descriptions of many operation and programming functions and illustrates their practical applications through examples. It provides in-depth information on how to program turning and milling machines, which is applicable to almost all control systems
 Is My Machine OK?
 Is My Machine OK?

 Автор: Robert Perez X.

  Are you responsible for your plant's industrial machines? Is My Machine OK? is a compact and handy reference on the potential risks of machine failure and safe machinery operation. Authors Robert Perez and Andre Conkey, aided by several contributors, provide 225 pages in this hardcover guide. It foms a solid basis for reliable and safe machine operations. The authors employ their exte
 Complete Guide to Preventive and Predictive Maintenance
 Complete Guide to Preventive and Predictive Maintenance

 Автор: Joel Levitt

  This book shares the best practices, mistakes, victories, and essential steps for success which the author has gleaned from working with countless organizations. Unlike other books that only focus on the engineering issues (task lists) or management issues (CMMS), this in-depth resource is the first to give true emphasize to the four aspects of success in preventive maintenance systems–engineering, management, economic, and psychological – there
 Commercial Steel Estimating
 Commercial Steel Estimating

 Автор: Kerri Olsen

   There has never been available a compilation of information on steel estimating such as this one in the entire history of steel fabrication. Designed to provide enough information to train someone new in all the aspects of becoming a steel estimator, this manual is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to become a steel estimator, as well as anyone who wants to learn the entire process including many trade secrets. It is a must have
 Manufacturing Facilities Design & Material Handling
 Manufacturing Facilities Design & Material Handling

 Автор: Matthew P. Stephens

  Designed for junior- and senior-level courses in plant and facilities planning and manufacturing systems and procedures, this textbook also is suitable for graduate-level and two-year college courses. The book takes a practical, hands-on, project-oriented approach to exploring the techniques and procedures for developing an efficient facility layout. It also introduces state-of-the-art tools including computer simulation. Access to Layout-iQ wor
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