Many of the books on construction risk management concentrate on theoretical approaches to the accurate assessment of the overall risks of taking on a new project. Less attention is paid to the typical risks to which the operational level of a project is exposed and how operational managers should approach those risks during project implementation. This book identifies precisely where the major EPC/Design-Build risks occur within an operational ...
A practitioner-focused guide featuring tools, models, and experience from the front lines of sustainability management on major projects With the growing need for sustainability management on large resource, infrastructure and power projects, this book provides project teams and sustainability practitioners with the practical advice, tools, and resources they need to create better projects. It offers extensive guidance for integrating sustain ...
Это мой опыт, с которым можно соглашаться или нет. Я не ставлю себе цель доказать свою правоту. Я просто делюсь с вами «фишками», которые помогают мне успешно управлять проектами. ...
The Harvard Business Review Project Management Collection is for anyone serious about project management. Project Management for Profit shows every company owner and project manager—at businesses large and small—how to run projects differently. Reinventing Project Management, based on an unprecedented study of more than 600 projects in a variety of businesses and organizations around the globe, provides a new and highly adaptiv ...
Does it seem like you never have enough time to get everything done? Keeping on top of your tasks, deadlines, and work schedule can be daunting. Managing Time quickly walks you through the basics. You’ll learn to:Assess how you spend your time now Prioritize your tasksPlan the right time to work on each oneAvoid procrastination and interruptions Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR ...
You know you need to delegate some of your work so that you have time to focus on the things that require your expertise. But it's not easy to do. Delegating Work quickly walks you through the fundamentals of:Establishing a productive environmentAssigning the right work to the right peopleConducting an effective hand-off meetingMonitoring without micromanaging Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential busine ...
You've been asked to manage a key project–or perhaps you've volunteered for an assignment that could advance your career. So how do you make sure the project succeeds? Managing Projects walks you quickly through the basics, including:Drawing up a realistic schedule and project planMonitoring key tasks and benchmarksCommunicating with stakeholdersBringing the project to a close Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the ...
Profound organizational transformation takes years and, in most cases is unsuccessful, right? Not according to change expert Behnam Tabrizi. In Rapid Transformation: A 90-Day Plan for Fast and Effective Change , Tabrizi shows you how to accomplish successful transformational change in your firm in just 90 days. Based on ten years of research into more than 500 leading companies including 3M, IBM, GE, Nissan, Apple, Bay Networks, Verisign, HP and ...