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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Project Soup: Recipes for Managing to Success
 Project Soup: Recipes for Managing to Success

 Автор: Robert Prinzo

  Project management is much like making a soup. And just as there are many recipes for chicken soup, there are many project management methodologies available. However, the reality is that project management methodologies are similar to the homemade soup recipes passed on from generation to generation in that each project is different because each organizations and environment are unique. As a project manager, or the Chef, you are always making a
 The Extraordinary Power of Project Relationships
 The Extraordinary Power of Project Relationships

 Автор: Harry Mingail

  Bad business one-on-one or group relationships create stress, destruction and unproductively. Likewise, without great relationships, our personal lives can be empty, boring and lonely.<br><br>This book is packed with great ideas, techniques and many checklists to make great things happen for you. At minimum you will find something and typically many things which will reward your investment in this book, with better relationships. Gre
 Simple Project Management for Small Business
 Simple Project Management for Small Business

 Автор: Christophe Boone's Primault

  If you are a small business owner it&#39;s likely you&#39;ve encountered problems in your business that were tough to solve. Using a project management approach in your business can help you overcome obstacles so you can be successful and it will help you minimize confusion, rework, errors and best of all, it can help you delight your customers.<br><br>This eBook includes:<br><br>1) Four reasons why project manage

 Get Agile
 Get Agile

 Автор: Pieter Jongerius

  Scrum is a project management method that dissolves boundaries and distributes responsibilities which in other methods have been protected for years. It is a radically different way of working: as many activities as possible take place at the same time, in the same room. Scrum is fast and delivers very high product quality at the same time. The book is a manual. It is aimed at everyone who works on interactive products in a design & developm
 Project Management
 Project Management

 Автор: Dr Jae K. Shim

  Project Management: A Financial Perspective is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the applications and importance of Project Management. You will learn how to assess a project with respect to time, costs, and resources in order to effectively and efficiently reach your goals. You will become familiar with the five processes involved in Project management – Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, and Closing on time a
 Ключевые идеи книги: Управление бизнес-процессами. Практическое руководство по успешной реализации проектов. Джон Джестон, Йохан Нелис
 Ключевые идеи книги: Управление бизнес-процессами. Практическое руководство по успешной реализации проектов. Джон Джестон, Йохан Нелис

 Автор: Smart Reading
 Год: 2020

  Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги Джона Джестона и Йохана Нелиса «Управление бизнес-процессами. Практическое руководство по успешной реализации проектов». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. [i]О книге[/i] «Управление бизнес-процессами. Практическое руководство по успешной реализации проектов» – настольный справочник практиков управления бизнес-процессами и руководителей компаний, которые хотят понимать, как реализовывать пр
 Project and Program Management
 Project and Program Management

 Автор: Mitchell L. Springer

  Choosing the right people to carry out a project is essential to its success. When multiple projects are combined into a complex program, the human aspect becomes even more important. This book is the first to truly balance a complete account of the technical aspects of project and program management with a practical approach to understanding and developing the core competencies required to accomplish desired goals. On the technical side, this b
 Raspberry Pi :Raspberry Pi Guide On Python & Projects Programming In Easy Steps
 Raspberry Pi :Raspberry Pi Guide On Python & Projects Programming In Easy Steps

 Автор: Jason Scotts

  "Raspberry Pi Programming Guide" is a text that gives the reader a bit of insight into this form of technology. It is European based and is just making a debut in North America so many are curious about it and what exactly this technology can do. The aim that the author has with this text is to highlight the main functions of Raspberry Pi and how it can be beneficial to the consumer in the long run. The text is extremely informative and to
 PMP/PMBOK 100 Success Secrets - Project Management Professional; The Missing Exam Study, Certification Preparation and Project Management Body of Knowledge Application Guide
 PMP/PMBOK 100 Success Secrets - Project Management Professional; The Missing Exam Study, Certification Preparation and Project Management Body of Knowledge Application Guide

 Автор: Gerard Blokdijk

  There has never been a PMP/PMBOK manual like this. 100 Success Secrets is not about the ins and outs of PMP/PMBOK . Instead, it answers the top 100 questions that we are asked and those we come across in forums, our consultancy and education programs. It tells you exactly how to deal with those questions, with tips that have never before been offered in print. This book is also not about PMP/PMBOK 's best practice and standards details. I
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