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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Project Management 100 Success Secrets
 Project Management 100 Success Secrets

 Автор: Gerard Blokdijk

  There has never been a Project Management manual like this.
100 Success Secrets is not about the ins and outs of Project Management. Instead, it answers the top 100 questions that we are asked, that we come across in forums, in our consultancy and education programs It tells exactly how to deal with those questions, with tips never before offered in print.
This book is also not about Project Management's best practice and st
 The Remote Facilitator's Pocket Guide
 The Remote Facilitator's Pocket Guide

 Автор: Kirsten Clacey

 The Remote Facilitator's Pocket Guide
 The Remote Facilitator's Pocket Guide

 Автор: Kirsten Clacey

  This approach to remote facilitation makes virtual meetings powerful means of collaboration using proven techniques to accommodate a diversity of cultures, locations, and personalities. Many people struggle with remote meetings: a cocktail of factors, such as technical barriers and invisible group norms, increase the uncertainty and risk of the already vulnerable task of collaborating and sharing ideas. When remote meetings go badly, they go rea

 Project Management for Humans
 Project Management for Humans

 Автор: Brett Harned

  Project management—it’s not just about following a template or using a tool, but rather developing personal skills and intuition to find a method that works for everyone. Whether you’re a designer or a manager, Project Management for Humans will help you estimate and plan tasks, scout and address issues before they become problems, and communicate with and hold people accountable.
 Информационные технологии в офисной деятельности
 Информационные технологии в офисной деятельности

 Автор: Н. А. Акатова
 Год: 2020

  Учебно-методическое пособие содержит описание основных концептуальных и теоретических положений по использованию самых распространенных информационных технологий для решения организационных и экономических задач в офисной деятельности. Даны кейсы из реальной практики и подробные инструкции по применению программных продуктов Microsoft Office для их практического выполнения. Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов,
 Dylemat przelomowej innowacji
 Dylemat przelomowej innowacji

 Автор: Joshua Gans

 Big Teams
 Big Teams

 Автор: Tony Llewellyn

  This is a book about working with large teams of people. Whether your team involves 30 people or 3,000, the organizational dynamics are significantly different for a project manager used to dealing with smaller teams. As the project scales up in size and complexity, the processes and skills required change. As project leader, your focus moves from the technical aspects of project delivery to enabling, facilitating and integrating the different s
 Practical Project Management for Agile Nonprofits
 Practical Project Management for Agile Nonprofits

 Автор: Karen R.J. White

  Practical Project Management for Agile Nonprofits introduces nonprofit managers to the basic concepts of project management and provides dozens of templates to help you quickly implement practices to effectively manage your limited resources, financial and volunteer. The book emphasizes using appropriate project management practices, those that are not burdensome but rather agile in their approach. In keeping with this theme, the book explores h
 Project Management Essentials
 Project Management Essentials

 Автор: William P. Athayde

  If you're new to project management or need to refresh your knowledge, Project Management Essentials, Third Edition, is the quickest and easiest way to learn how to manage projects successfully. The simple techniques and templates in this book provide you with the essential tools you'll need to be an effective project manager. It's as simple as that.Read the book and discover: How to plan well – to decide on the right things to do
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