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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Teaching Social Skills to Children with Autism Using Minecraft®
 Teaching Social Skills to Children with Autism Using Minecraft®

 Автор: Raelene Dundon
 Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Transition into Secondary School
 Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Transition into Secondary School

 Автор: Marianna Murin
 A Girl Like Tilly
 A Girl Like Tilly

 Автор: Helen Bates

  Tilly is a bit of a puzzle. She's struggling at school, she really doesn't like surprises, she isn't sure if she's a girl or a boy, and she just doesn't want to make new friends. Why is it such hard work to try and understand people, or for them to understand her? This poignant story maps the entire childhood of a bright young girl with autism. Growing up undiagnosed, she finds life increasingly difficult and confusing.

 Supporting Older People Using Attachment-Informed and Strengths-Based Approaches
 Supporting Older People Using Attachment-Informed and Strengths-Based Approaches

 Автор: Lydia Guthrie

  The significance of attachment theory for working with older people has been overlooked, and yet its importance is clear – evident in the experiences of people who struggle to adapt to new ways of living, to life with limiting health conditions, or to new social networks. This book explains how an understanding of attachment theory can empower health and social care staff, and improve the care of older people. It also serves as an accessible in
 OCD and Autism
 OCD and Autism

 Автор: Kate Johnston

  This step-by-step manual explains how to adapt CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) approaches to OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) for autistic children and adults. It outlines why there is the need to adapt treatment for the autistic population, and includes detailed guidance on each phase of the approach. It explains assessment of OCD in autism, the links between the two conditions and difficulties in identifying aspects of OCD in autistic pe
 Teaching the Alexander Technique
 Teaching the Alexander Technique

 Автор: Cathy Madden

  Thoughtful and accessible, this guidebook unpacks the teaching process of the Alexander Technique for new and more experienced practitioners. By demonstrating the pathway from learning the Alexander Technique for oneself to teaching it, Madden identifies the skill sets required for excellence in teaching the Alexander Technique, and shows readers how they can acquire and develop these skills themselves. Observation, communication and tactile ski
 Case Studies in Spiritual Care
 Case Studies in Spiritual Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Through a rich variety of case studies, this book provides insight into the patient's needs and the chaplain's perspective, as well as discussions of spiritual assessments and spiritual care interventions. Case studies such as a request to baptise a child complicated due to his admission for 'psychiatric reasons', as well as work with military veterans, such as a female transgender veteran who has been alienated from her fait
 Fundamental Movement Skill Acquisition for Children and Adults with Autism
 Fundamental Movement Skill Acquisition for Children and Adults with Autism

 Автор: Susan Crawford

  This innovative manual sets out advice on fundamental movement skill acquisition (FMS) and its benefits for improving physical, verbal and social skills for people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Improving FMS can help prevent long term health issues, and increase opportunities for social engagement and independence. The book explores the basic skills of movement (running, catching, throwing, and balance) and how to observe, teach and as
 Spiritual Care for Allied Health Practice
 Spiritual Care for Allied Health Practice

 Автор: Группа авторов
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