There's a kid at school who gets extra help from a special teacher. He has temper tantrums when he is angry and sometimes finds it hard to pay attention. He might even have been to a special school to learn how to behave appropriately in class. One day this kid started to ask questions like, “Why do I feel different – am I not like other kids?” This kid might be a little different from others in some ways … but this kid is NOT STUPID! Can y ...
In a chaotic or threatening situation, fear is the primary emotional response of an autistic individual. Often the initial physical response is to freeze. 'Meltdowns', or brain overloads can be scary for the individual with autism, and for the person trying to help if they don't know how to react in this situation. Common coping strategies, such as hand flapping or leg shaking, can be misperceived as being wilful, noncompliant, an ...
Good Practice in Safeguarding Children considers how front-line professionals can keep the best interests of the child at the heart of their work when statutory guidance, the way agencies are integrated and the delivery of services are changing. Liz Hughes and Hilary Owen have drawn together contributors' experiences of working with safeguarding children on a broad range of issues, including neglect, trafficked children, parents with lear ...
People with severe autism experience the sensory information they receive from the world completely differently to those not on the spectrum. They feel cut off and overwhelmed, and their behaviour can become very distressed. This handbook shows how we can engage with people who are non-verbal or semi-verbal and sometimes even those who have speech but lose the power to process it when they are in crisis. We can help them to make sense of the wor ...