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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Политические детективы
 Terry Brankin Has a Gun
 Terry Brankin Has a Gun

 Автор: Malachi O'Doherty

  Terry Brankin loves his wife, but it’s a bloody nuisance that a cold-case investigator is trying to pin him for a long past IRA bombing that killed a young girl. His wife Kathleen can’t take it. He tells her that things were different then. She tells him he must confess. He’d only get two years under the Belfast Agreement and she’ll stand by him, but she leaves him to give him time to mull it over. But then Kathleen is attacked. Every house in
 The Terrible Twos
 The Terrible Twos

 Автор: Ishmael Reed

  Ishmael Reed's sixth novel depicts a zany, bizarre, and all-too-believable future where mankind's fate depends upon a jolly old gent named St. Nicholas and a Ristorasta dwarf named Black Peter, who together wreak mischievous havoc on Wall Street and in the Oval Office. This offbeat, on-target social critique makes marvelous fun of everything that is American, from commercialism to Congress, Santa Claus to religious cults.
 Death Card
 Death Card

 Автор: Nick L. Sacco

  A United States president mad with power declares himself dictator, suspends the Constitution and declares war on the American public. Unleashing a reign of terror, the United States citizens find themselves victims of a tyrannical ruler harsher than Stalin or Hitler. In the Midwest, the general of a nuclear armed Air Force base fights back and members of the DEATH CARD militia rise up to challenge the president’s private army. Read DEATH CARD t

 Deadly Game
 Deadly Game

 Автор: R. B. Conroy

  Alex Crane is on top of the world. President of one of the largest banks in the country, an early retirement to beautiful Lake Wawasee is not far away. But when a routine audit reveals that tens of millions of dollars have been skimmed from his bank’s IRA accounts, his apparently secure world is turned upside down. He suddenly finds himself in the middle of a nightmarish scheme involving subprime mortgages, bailout money, FBI thugs, mobsters, an
 The Aegis Conspiracy: A Novel
 The Aegis Conspiracy: A Novel

 Автор: Galen Winter

  THE AEGIS CONSPIRACY is a fictional account of a covert organization hidden within the Central Intelligence Agency. The cabal is composed of men who are convinced the policy precluding assassinations exposes the nation to grave peril. Ignoring established directives, these men quietly plan and cause the deaths of those they deem to represent a clear and present danger to the Republic. Clandestine Service Agent Den Clark joins with the conspirato
 'Das Haus' the House and the Son of the Rabbi
 'Das Haus' the House and the Son of the Rabbi

 Автор: Sean Ryan Stuart

  Das Haus, (The House) is a story spanning almost seventy years, and is partially based on TRUE EVENTS as told to the author by our hero Erik Goldmann (Fictitious name) and the author’s father-in-law. At the request of Erik, many of the characters and locations were changed to protect the survivors of that long ago Holocaust known as World War II. It has become a NOVEL partially based on some true events. The setting is modern day, with flashback
 Red Snow
 Red Snow

 Автор: Sean Ryan Stuart

  Red Snow is a fast paced action adventure involving a former Army Special Forces officer turned CIA agent. His journey takes him all over the world as he fights rogue Russian SPETSNAZ forces in Afghanistan and later in the USA. His quest brings him in contact with fierce mujahidin warriors in their search for independence and at the same time, Jeremy Grant (our hero), relives the horrors of war in Vietnam. His mission continues after his CIA ret
 The New World Oligarchy: Destroying the United States Through Globalization
 The New World Oligarchy: Destroying the United States Through Globalization

 Автор: John R. Krismer

  Doctor Bill Warner and Nurse Mary Swanson portray two real life healthcare professionals who tried to stop the pervasive takeover of our country and the deregulation of their professional healthcare standards. And by fighting this disparity in their service to humankind, they inadvertently placed their families’ and their own lives at risk. Eventually they realized this problem was promoted by a very wealthy international Oligarchy, which had co
 The Magic Aquifer: Treating the Political Stress Syndrome A Novel
 The Magic Aquifer: Treating the Political Stress Syndrome A Novel

 Автор: John R. Krismer

  Dave Olson worked during his vacation from college for a Canadian and a U.S. copper mining company which hired him to gather soil samples for copper in the northern wilderness areas of Canada and the United States. Then one evening, while bathing in a refreshing stream, he found several nugget shaped rocks that looked like gold and hid them for safekeeping. And although it was highly unlikely they were gold, they sure looked like gold even thoug
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