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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Spy Land Women Play Me Season Two
Perry Ritthaler
The spy agency is Charlie's life however he is being challenged by Veronica for the big promotion to run the Spy Land agency. Charlie is the playboy stereo type James Bond with a beautiful girlfriend named Monique living in Sarasota Florida; and hopefully soon to be promoted to lead the Spy Land Agency office in Miami.<br><br>Charlie has had Phil as the same undercover partner for almost ten years. They know each others moves like the back of their hands. They were placed together in a team ten years ago under a special program designed by their Captain at the time. <br><br>His objective was to create a super cop combination covertly working together to solve the 911 terrorist attacks working with the assets of the Pentagon; placing two people with opposite backgrounds and thought behavior patterns on the same team. The objective of the operation was to develop two people designed to think as one person; left and right brain, thinking outside the box; and develop an undercover team combination that had Ivy League and street cop credentials. The goal of their captain was to go beyond the normal investigation and discover the roots behind the 911 attacks that led to the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.<br><br>Both men have done their time on the street fighting drug trafficking and prostitution and combine their efforts with a beautiful female black seal spy sent to them by the Pentagon.<br><br>Now they are all climbing the ladder of the Spy Land Agency as they head up a homeland defense anti-terrorism squad. One of their main tasks is to study a covert killer that is spy in Canada and gleam intelligence data from his international covert operations; they are forbidden to directly contact him or pay him for his expertise in creating anti-terrorism operations.<br><br>Charlie is a white skinned man and Phil is a dark skinned man, and together they spend their time connecting the dots discovering the roots behind 911 terrorist attacks; and a human trafficking case linked to global mass murder corporate terrorism. <br><br>They work with a beautiful black seal spy named Veronica and the trio experience the many pleasures and nightmares crafted by charming ladies and villains as they unite together fighting terrorism and Russian spies. <br><br>The three end up in many complicated situations surrounded by a variety of funny different circumstances; that end with getting the men into more funny and dangerous situations, filled with more trouble than they have ever dreamed possible.<br><br>Season two is full of fresh spy operations and events; and is a must read for people in search of a sexy, funny, happy, feel good story complimented by reading about the serious side of an interactive spy adventure surrounding the 911 attacks and the fallout from the Iraq and Afghanistan war.
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