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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Covert Military Strategy The Theory Of War
Perry JD Ritthaler
The objective of this e-book is to share information theory that was emailed to the Aljazeera network in Palestine and the Western government offices in Canada and the USA and Great Britain. The articles explore political corruption and how that corruption can play a role in destroying a super power; by covertly convincing the terrorism networks and generals and politicians to implement some of this war strategy on the battlefield Ritthaler tries to prevent the demise of a global super power. By reading these article reports you can see first-hand the ideas behind the global economic war.<br><br>This e-book is packed with intelligence articles sent to the military accompanied with riveting graphic design war picture collages to help the reader better understand the picture of warfare.<br><br>The writer is a bit of a home-grown psychologist and scientist mixed into one, with an uncanny ability to craft battlefield psychology strategy intelligence through guilty by association helps shift current military and terrorism operations internationally. The writer is fed up watching the "war on terrorism" played on television, seeing the soldiers and the innocent woman and children in the Middle East being crippled and killed, through mass bombing campaigns or roadside bombs or suicide bombers.<br><br>Ritthaler is the white paper tiger that creates a new war strategy to empower leaders on both sides of the battlefield, and implants the psychology strategies into the minds of the people making decisions on the battlefield.<br><br>No matter where you go," Ritthaler says, "you can always hear 'echoes of the economic war or corporate corruption tarnishing politicians and spy agencies or terrorism networks guilty by association fueled covertly by the war on terrorism covertly engineered by China,' even silent echoes." <br><br>Against this background, Ritthaler shares his cyber covert digital psychology war strategy operations filled with new peace empowerment war strategy wielding empowerment mixed with logic. <br><br>As he attempted to deal with the ravages of the USA super power under attack he enters the war seamlessly. The threat posed to the civilian way of life is exposed in these articles shaping the final war in the age of psychology mixing with quantum energy science and economic empowerment reasoning. <br><br>This is powerful e-book for people interested in politics or terrorism or the wars in the Middle East or Africa that create the landscape for the demise of the USA super power.
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