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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual

A Clinician's Guide to CBT for Children to Young Adults

A Clinician's Guide to CBT for Children to Young Adults
Автор: Paul Stallard
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781119395461
Качество: excellent
A powerful and insightful clinical resource for CBT practitioners who work with children and young adults   The newly updated and thoroughly revised Second Edition of this companion to  Think Good, Feel Good  and  Thinking Good, Feeling Better  delivers guidance for clinicians using the author’s seminal workbooks. This companion work builds upon the workbook materials by offering readers instruction on all aspects of the therapeutic process and a wide range of case studies highlighting specific therapies in action.  A Clinician’s Guide  covers topics including parental involvement, key cognitive distortions in children, formulations, challenging thoughts, guided discovery, and the use of imagery. The author also includes a chapter focusing on common potential problems that arise in therapy and strategies to overcome them.  The book highlights the underlying philosophy, process, and core skills of employing CBT with children and young people. Readers will appreciate the competency framework, which describes the CORE philosophy, PRECISE process, and the ABCs of specific techniques. The book also includes:  Additional materials and handouts for use in therapy, including psycho-educational materials for children and parents on common problems, like depression, OCD, PTSD, and anxiety Downloadable, multi-use worksheets for use in the clinician’s therapeutic sessions Practical, real-world case examples that shed light on the techniques and strategies discussed in the book A systematic approach to the use of cognitive behavioural therapy to treat common psychological problems Perfect for professionals and trainees in child and adolescent mental health, like psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, educational psychologists, community psychiatric nurses, and occupational therapists, the book also belongs on the shelves of non-mental health professionals, including school nurses and social workers, who regularly work with children in a therapeutic setting.

NEAR Wallet
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