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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Dinosaur Odyssey
 Dinosaur Odyssey

 Автор: Scott D. Sampson

  This captivating book, laced with evocative anecdotes from the field, gives the first holistic, up-to-date overview of dinosaurs and their world for a wide audience of readers. Situating these fascinating animals in a broad ecological and evolutionary context, leading dinosaur expert Scott D. Sampson fills us in on the exhilarating discoveries of the past twenty-five years, the most active period in the history of dinosaur paleontology, during w
 The Dinosauria, Second Edition
 The Dinosauria, Second Edition

 Автор: Группа авторов

  When the <I>The Dinosauria </I>was first published more than a decade ago, it was hailed as «the best scholarly reference work available on dinosaurs» and «an historically unparalleled compendium of information.» This second, fully revised edition continues in the same vein as the first but encompasses the recent spectacular discoveries that have continued to revolutionize the field. A state-of-the-science view of current world resea
 Dinosaurs 101 Super Fun Facts And Amazing Pictures (Featuring The World's Top 16 Dinosaurs With Coloring Pages)
 Dinosaurs 101 Super Fun Facts And Amazing Pictures (Featuring The World's Top 16 Dinosaurs With Coloring Pages)

 Автор: Janet Evans

  A book of dinosaurs from Janet Evans featuring the world's top 16 most loved dinosaurs. This book brings these magnificent creatures back to life again with its amazing pictures, numerous fun facts and featuring various dinosaurs that in land, water and in even in the flying dinosaurs. This book also contains coloring pages of these dinosaurs for your children to enjoy after reading the book.

 Snakes: 101 Super Fun Facts And Amazing Pictures (Featuring The World's Top 10 Snakes)
 Snakes: 101 Super Fun Facts And Amazing Pictures (Featuring The World's Top 10 Snakes)

 Автор: Janet Evans

  SNAKES: 101 SUPER FUN FACTS AND AMAZING PICTURES ( FEATURING THE WORLD's TOP 10 SNAKES ) This book depicts the wonder of the world of Snakes in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this beautiful reptile: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following Snakes are featured: Anaconda Boa Constrictor Cobra Corn Snake Garter Python Rattlesnake Sea Snake California King Snake Milk Snake The description is in
 Dinosaurs: 101 Super Fun Facts And Amazing Pictures (Featuring The World's Top 16 Dinosaurs)
 Dinosaurs: 101 Super Fun Facts And Amazing Pictures (Featuring The World's Top 16 Dinosaurs)

 Автор: Janet Evans

  DINOSAURS: 101 SUPER FUN FACTS AND AMAZING PICTURES ( FEATURING THE WORLD's TOP 16 DINOSAURS) This book depicts the wonder of the world of Dinosaurs in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this fascinating creature: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following dinosaurs and pre-historic creatures are featured: Allosaurus Brachiosaurus Deinonychus Diplodocus Elasmosaurus Kentrosaurus Peteinosaurus Plat
 Frozen Earth
 Frozen Earth

 Автор: Doug Macdougall

  In this engrossing and accessible book, Doug Macdougall explores the causes and effects of ice ages that have gripped our planet throughout its history, from the earliest known glaciation—nearly three billion years ago—to the present. Following the development of scientific ideas about these dramatic events, Macdougall traces the lives of many of the brilliant and intriguing characters who have contributed to the evolving understanding of how ic

 Автор: David J. Meltzer
 The Sauropods
 The Sauropods

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Survival by Hunting
 Survival by Hunting

 Автор: George Frison
Показано 46 - 54 (всего 77 позиций)
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