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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Основы психологии
 La urgencia de ser santos
 La urgencia de ser santos

 Автор: Jose Rivera Ramirez

  La urgencia de ser santos incluye las charlas de unos Ejercicios Espirituales para sacerdotes impartidas por don Jose Rivera en Valfermoso de las Monjas (Guadalajara) en agosto de 1989. Este volumen es una reedicion del publicado por el Instituto Teologico de San Ildefonso de Toledo en marzo de 2011. Al quedar agotada esa primera edicion se ha elaborado esta nueva publicacion manteniendo casi integramente el texto de la edicion original, con peq
 Bauplane der Schopfung
 Bauplane der Schopfung

 Автор: Johannes Huber

  Als Theologe und Mediziner setzt sich Johannes Huber allgemein verstandlich mit Natur, Moral und Jenseits auseinander: Glaube und Wissenschaft sind keine Gegner, so Huber, es ist nicht widervernunftig, an transzendente Wirklichkeiten zu glauben. Aus Sicht der Quantenphysik rundet Walter Thirring Hubers Betrachtungen in einem Pladoyer fur das Transzendente ab.

 Автор: Сергей Александрович Комаров
 Год: 2020

  Мы хотим успеть к определённой жизненной черте что-то своё, личное. В разном возрасте бессменные атрибуты успеха перестают иметь ценность. Атрибут успеха определяется фоном. Утопая в информационном шуме, пичкая себя «новостями» мы видим, что наши результаты на фоне чужих – ничто и не вызывают трепет. Да и какой смысл мы вкладываем в слово успех, не путаем ли мы его с счастьем или удовлетворением? В книге будет показана ограниченность рецепторног

 Materia Medica of Western Herbs
 Materia Medica of Western Herbs

 Автор: Carole Fisher

  Based on the original Materia Medica of Western Herbs by Carole Fisher and Gilian Painter, this volume has been expanded and updated to include botanical, scientific, pharmacy and safety information. It is designed for worldwide use and contains detailed monographs of 180 medicinal herbs. There are appendices to help students understand pharmacological and medicinal actions, a glossary listing the known actions of common constituents, a table of
 The Complete Herbal Tutor
 The Complete Herbal Tutor

 Автор: Anne Mcintyre

  Herbal medicines have been used for many centuries to treat illnesses and restore health, and today herbalism still remains the most widely-practised form of medicine around the world.Written by a leading medical herbalist, this new revised edition of The Complete Herbal Tutor provides in-depth knowledge of the practice and theory of herbal medicine, including everything you need to know about its history, how it works, how to grow, gather and p
 Hands On
 Hands On

 Автор: Nic Rowley

  This new reissue of Hands On, first published in 1994, will be welcomed by all complementary and alternative medical students and practitioners. It presents a concise approach to clinical examination in a practical and straightforward manner, and includes step-by-step illustrations of a variety of examination techniques together with checklists designed to help students and practitioners elicit clinical information from their patients quickly an
 A Woman's Book of Herbs
 A Woman's Book of Herbs

 Автор: Elisabeth Brooke

  Bursting with definitive information on a range of herbs, A Woman's Book of Herbs is an extensive guide to their use in healing the mind, body, and spirit:– where, when, and how to collect herbs, and how to dry, store, and prepare them- how to use them: their physical, emotional, and ritual uses- their mythological history and astrological significance- their main chemical components- recipes for food, drinks, and medicinesInfused with the
 Traditional Western Herbal Medicine
 Traditional Western Herbal Medicine

 Автор: Elisabeth Brooke

  This book is intended to be a users' manual, not a reference book, and so has charts, diagrams, tables and cross-references to enable the interested practitioner to incorporate the Western Herbal Tradition into their practice. It synthesises and elaborates on all the extant information on the Western Healing Tradition as recorded by William Lilly and Nicholas Culpeper in the 17Cth and from the author's own herbal practice. It shows how
 The Abramelin Diaries
 The Abramelin Diaries

 Автор: Ramsey Dukes

  The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage is a 15th-century grimoire, or book of magic, that includes instructions on how an individual can make contact with their Holy Guardian Angel. Although the instructions may seem quite simple, few have managed to complete the operation – even the highly experienced occultist Aleister Crowley failed to do so.Over a six-month period in 1977, Ramsey Dukes attempted this Abramelin operation. The chal
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