Jesus is seen as a representative of an ancient and continuing wisdom tradition identified with that of the Sufis. By his distinctive use of stories for teaching purposes, his sayings, and what the Sufis call 'action-teachings', including those actions known as 'miracles', Jesus is shown to have been quintessentially a Sufi master. Max Gorman shows how Sufism illuminates from within concepts central to Christianity: the kingd ...
In today's «post-truth» world, we are becoming inundated with fantasy fictions, «alternate news,» and grossly oversimplified (and wildly exaggerated) conspiracy theories that identify cryptocratic power structures ruling our fates. But suppose the truth is both stranger than any fiction and more nuanced and disturbing than any theory? Suppose it is not conspiracy but complicity that creates our world?Beginning as an investigation into the a ...
Learn the 42 Essential Principles of Tai Chi & Qi GongThis book is designed to teach the fundamentals that drive and underpin internal arts training at all levels and stages of development, not a form. Each of the 42 principles, portrayed as images and accompanied by brief explanations, are aimed at conveying how internal arts techniques function in ways that help you embed them and feel them come alive in your flesh – regardless of the spec ...
The story of the Grail and those who seek it remains one of the most enduring myths known to the West. In this book the stories and legends are explored in depth and the ongoing spiritual Quest outlined by a world-renowned authority on the subject. Also included are a series of meditational exercises to help the seeker find his or her own way to the heart of the Grail. ...
How does a hypochondriac experience the wonders of the world when constantly fearing death, germs and exotic diseases? These humorous and absurd travel stories take the reader on a wild global ride through deserts, rainforests, nude spas, international marathons, dirty waterparks, essential film locations, and a dreadful «momcation,» while exploring important tactics about flying, pirates, and keeping a stubborn traveler's stomach in line. ...
Содержание издания: 1. Психология личности 2. Индивидуально-психологическая сфера личности 3. Способности и одаренность человека 4. Направленность личности: мотивационно-потребностная сфера 5. Эмоционально-волевая сфера 6. Психология общения и межличностные отношения. ...
Ты знаешь, что свобода – это когда живешь и ни дня себе не врешь? Когда дружна со своим нутром, что голос у тебя в голове всегда в единственном числе – без крылатых и рогатых на два уха, без второго подавленного я, без бунтующего подсознания. Свобода – принять себя, подружиться с собой прошлой, развиваться до себя будущей и восхищаться собой настоящей. Свобода – делать и чувствовать так, как считаешь нужным, как хочется тебе. Именно тебе. Свобод ...