Эта книга в доступной форме рассказывает об администрировании сетей с применением оборудования Cisco. С помощью практических заданий вы сможете за месяц получить полное представление о том, как работают сети, и получите знания, которые сможете использовать уже сегодня. Вы сможете не только усовершенствовать свои навыки, но так же будете в состоянии объяснить, почему сети работают так, а не иначе. Издание будет полезно начинающим администраторам ...
The current Symbian Press list focuses very much on the small scale features of Symbian OS in a programming context. The Architecture Sourcebook is different. It's not a how-to book, it's a 'what and why' book. And because it names names as it unwinds the design decisions which have shaped the OS, it is also a 'who' book. It will show where the OS came from, how it has evolved to be what it is, and provide a simple model for understanding what i ...
The purpose of this book is first to study cloud computing concepts, security concern in clouds and data centers, live migration and its importance for cloud computing, the role of firewalls in domains with particular focus on virtual machine (VM) migration and its security concerns. The book then tackles design, implementation of the frameworks and prepares test-beds for testing and evaluating VM migration procedures as well as firewall rule mi ...
Clustering is a vital methodology in the data storage world. Its goal is to maximize cost-effectiveness, availability, flexibility, and scalability. Clustering has changed considerably for the better due to Storage Area Networks, which provide access to data from any node in the cluster. Explains how clusters with shared storage work and the components in the cluster that need to work together Reviews where a cluster should be deployed and how t ...
To be competitive, service providers cannot customize every installation but must simultaneously offer services that meet a wide range of perceived customer needs. This guide shows commercial service providers and equipment vendors how to build competitive service offerings for enterprise-specific needs. Provides vital technical and business guidance to the service provider marketplace Explains how to satisfy the customer's specific needs in dat ...
The first how-to guide for online storage management with Windows 2000 In this book, expert Paul Massiglia first provides a clear tutorial on the principles of managed online storage and then walks you through the basics of how to manage your disks and RAID arrays in the Windows 2000 server environment. He provides all the information system administrators need to take advantage of Windows 2000's powerful new capabilities for handling large numb ...
Leading authorities deliver the commandments for designing high-speed networks There are no end of books touting the virtues of one or another high-speed networking technology, but until now, there were none offering networking professionals a framework for choosing and integrating the best ones for their organization's networking needs. Written by two world-renowned experts in the field of high-speed network design, this book outlines a total s ...
Examines how risk management security technologies must prevent virus and computer attacks, as well as providing insurance and processes for natural disasters such as fire, floods, tsunamis, terrorist attacks Addresses four main topics: the risk (severity, extent, origins, complications, etc.), current strategies, new strategies and their application to market verticals, and specifics for each vertical business (banks, financial institutions, la ...
Ethernet Networks, Fourth Edition, provides everything you need to know to plan, implement, manage and upgrade Ethernet networks. * Improve your skills in employing Ethernet hubs, switches, and routers. * Learn how to set up and operate a wireless Local Area Network (LAN). * Discover how to extend a wired Ethernet via wireless LANs. * Understand cabling standards and the role of NEXT (Near End Crosstalk), FEXT (Far End Crosstalk) and other trans ...