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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Организация офиса
 Preventing and Managing Workplace Bullying and Harassment: A Risk Management Approach
 Preventing and Managing Workplace Bullying and Harassment: A Risk Management Approach

 Автор: Moira Jenkins

  Employers and managers have a duty of care as part of occupational health and safety laws to prevent hazards that might contribute to workplace injuries. This book shows you how to meet these responsibilities using practical, sensible strategies based on a framework of:•    understanding what bullying and sexual harassment really mean,•    using a risk management approach
 Lead Like an Ally
 Lead Like an Ally

 Автор: Julie Kratz

  Lead Like an Ally facilitates positive change by including six leadership strategies, such as clean up the culture, stretch talent equally, establish ally networks, manage meeting behavior, promote belonging, and measure success. Leaders, now more than ever, are wrestling with how to attract and retain diverse talent and be inclusive leaders. Despite the best of intentions, very few organizations are reaching their equality goals, even those
 Gender Diversity and Non-Binary Inclusion in the Workplace
 Gender Diversity and Non-Binary Inclusion in the Workplace

 Автор: Sarah Gibson

  Helping to create inclusive work environments for non-binary people, this book builds knowledge of non-binary identities and provides practical solutions to many of the basic workplace problems this group face. Working with and including non-binary people in the workplace is beneficial for both employer and employee, as it attracts and retains younger and non-binary workers by helping promote an inclusive brand, as well as satisfying equality

 The Minority Guide To Professionalism
 The Minority Guide To Professionalism

 Автор: Daniel Mushala

  The Minority Guide to Professionalism is a guide to prepare those entering the world of work beyond resume writing and interviewing. The Guide covers attitude on the job, time management, finances and setting goals. The aim is to prepare our young to succeed in the workplace, but most importantly after securing a job how to keep a job.
 Grow Your People, Grow Your Business
 Grow Your People, Grow Your Business

 Автор: Karen Jett

  The Seeds of GreatnessTM I believe that every human being contains the seeds of greatness. This doesn&#39;t necessarily mean that everyone will grow up to become a CEO or President. It does mean that every person out there has the potential to become the best me they can possibly be. <br><br>When the seeds of greatness start to sprout, all kinds of wonderful things start to happen. As individuals begin to grow they start to do be
 Out of Office
 Out of Office

 Автор: Gihan MDiv Perera

  What would your life be like if you didn&#39;t have to spend every working day at an office?<br><br>Perhaps you would have a more enjoyable work environment, be able to spend more quality time with your family, reduce or eliminate the time and expense of a daily commute, reduce interruptions and increase productivity, be more flexible with scheduling personal tasks, and enjoy a more relaxing lifestyle.<br><br>This is
 Stepping Forward Together: Creating Trust and Commitment in the Workplace
 Stepping Forward Together: Creating Trust and Commitment in the Workplace

 Автор: Mac Ph.D. McIntire

  This book provides a step-by-step guide for motivating individuals in your organization to work together as a team and fully commit to achieving common goals. It shows you how to use the Ladder of Commitment to effectively move people out of their comfort zones to the point where they readily accept change. It walks you step by step through the seven &quot;things that matter most&quot; in a relationship &ndash; both professionally an
 Making Business Child's Play
 Making Business Child's Play

 Автор: Adam Jr. Margolin

  Making Business Child&#39;s Play demonstrates the importance of mastering the skills and techniques we possessed as children and exhibit as parents. By identifying the parallels between what goes on at home and at work, it demonstrates how we can transfer behaviours to be more successful within a business environment.<br><br>Making Business Child&#39;s Play is for people looking for practical, action oriented ideas about busi
 Foxy Futurists and how to become one
 Foxy Futurists and how to become one

 Автор: Clem Sunter

  What do you call people who are vaguely right about the future, but seldom precisely wrong? Foxy futurists. In the latest addition to this top-selling series of books, Clem Sunter explores the methodology of foxy futurists as well as their propensity to turn their thoughts into action. This book is a collection of his most recent columns, covering topics of general interest, updated and annotated with new insights by this master strategist. It i
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