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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Организация офиса
 Tracking the future
 Tracking the future

 Автор: Daniel Silke

  Respected analyst Daniel Silke provides a glimpse into global trends that will influence South African business and politics in the coming decade, such as the decline of the USA, the rise of emerging markets and the changing workplace. This book is for every South African person and business preparing for the changing world.
 Own the Room
 Own the Room

 Автор: Эми Джен Су

  Find your signature voicePeople are drawn to and influenced by leaders who communicate authentically, connect easily with people, and have immediate impact. So how do you become one of them? How can you learn to “own the room”? This book will help you develop your leadership presence. According to Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins, leadership presence is the ability to consistently and clearly articulate your value proposi
 The Power of WOW
 The Power of WOW

 Автор: The Employees of Zappos.com

  Happy customers. Passionate employees. A highly recognizable brand known for delivering on its promises. That’s the power of WOW. From its birth during the Dot Com Boom in 1999 to its acquisition by Amazon in 2009, Zappos, the customer service company that just happens to sell things online, continues to turn heads with its disruptively entrepreneurial spirit and radically innovative employees. Ever unfolding throughout two deca

 The XYZ Factor
 The XYZ Factor

 Автор: Группа авторов

  What is the XYZ factor?The XYZ Factor isn’t a place or a company or an age. It’s a new kind of culture where innovation, accessibility, and transparency are the norm. It’s an environment created on the principles of the Millennial generation to foster intergenerational productivity in a new kind of office culture. An XYZ organization’s employees are challenged, engaged, and excited to produce. Simply put,
 The Illusion of Invincibility
 The Illusion of Invincibility

 Автор: Paul Williams

  A Glimpse Behind the Facade of Success In  The Illusion of Invincibility , Paul Williams and Andreas Krebs take a no-punches-held look at the stories we tell ourselves about business success. The rags-to-riches tale is tempting, but we don’t have to search far to see that most organizations rise for a time, only to experience a dramatic fall from grace. Just look at some of the companies that used to be household names: Nokia, AOL, P
 Great Work Great Career
 Great Work Great Career

 Автор: Jennifer

  Great Work, Great Career – NEW Interactive Edition As we live through successive economic earthquakes that shake the core of our society, it can be difficult to maintain one's footing. Still, Covey argues there is a positive side to these tumultuous times, provided one is willing to take a chance and go with it. Welcome this wild and demanding new world and embrace the opportunities it presents. Covey tells us, don't just settle for
 Bar Guide (Speedy Study Guides)
 Bar Guide (Speedy Study Guides)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Bartending is not just pouring drinks into glasses and cups, it is a skill to be learned, a science to be perfected. Learning how to concoct the ideal mixture of liquids, in precise ratios and perfected flavor combinations helps create a flawless drink experience, tailoring to the individuals' taste palate.
 Corporate Survival Guide for Your Twenties
 Corporate Survival Guide for Your Twenties

 Автор: Kayla Buell

  Welcome to the corporate world, friend! A world where things aren’t fair, some people are mean, and if you want to succeed, your boss has to like you. In her new book: Corporate Survival Guide for Your Twenties: A Guide to Help You Navigate the Business World, Kayla Buell, founder of the award-winning blog Lost GenY Girl, helps you face the corporate world post-college. Navigating a corporate working world filled with pitfalls and traps is not e
 Sewing Hope
 Sewing Hope

 Автор: Sarah Adler-Milstein

  Sewing Hope offers the first account of a bold challenge to apparel-industry sweatshops. The Alta Gracia factory in the Dominican Republic is the anti-sweatshop. It boasts a living wage three times the legal minimum, high health and safety standards, and a legitimate union—all verified by an independent monitor. It is the only apparel factory in the global south to meet these criteria. The Alta Gracia business model represents
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