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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Организация офиса
 The Corporate Drain
 The Corporate Drain

 Автор: Yoel Yohan

  It's time to look at a typical day at work in corporate America and how bad habits, bad procedures, and bad communication creep into the workplace, undermining productivity. Business experts agree that procedural inefficiency is an all-too-familiar theme in today's workplace, and that eliminating it is one of business managers' most important responsibilities. The Corporate Drain provides business leaders with tools to recognize p
 Why is Everyone Smiling?
 Why is Everyone Smiling?

 Автор: Paul Spiegelman

  How many small businesses have a full-time coworker whose official title is Queen of Fun and Laughter? How many have a CEO and COO who dress in matador outfits for a company holiday video version of Dancing with the Stars? Beryl is a “Top Small Workplace” because of one thing—its focus on people. Visitors report they feel the “vibe” when they walk in the door. As a call center company, a business normally known for high turnover, low morale, and
 If You Want It Done Right, You Don't Have to Do It Yourself!
 If You Want It Done Right, You Don't Have to Do It Yourself!

 Автор: Donna M. Genett

  In this delightful, quick-to-read, business-management allegory, Donna M. Genett, Ph.D., uses an entertaining narrative about identical cousins, James and Jones, to introduce her successful six-step program for effective delegation. Whether you are the one delegating or you wish to help your boss become a better delegator, these six simple steps are guaranteed to lighten your workload and give you more time to focus on what's really importa

 The Arsonist in the Office
 The Arsonist in the Office

 Автор: Pete Havel

  The Arsonist in the Office is your survival guide for enduring the toxic workplace (and toxic people) and a call to action for a bold new approach to addressing tough issues. If you have ever led an organization or participated on a team and felt completely frustrated by the sabotage of another colleague, leader, or even client, this book is for you. Leaders, colleagues and organizations across the world have adopted this new movement – to not
 Hardheaded and Softhearted
 Hardheaded and Softhearted

 Автор: Krish Dhanam

  Rick Belluzzo and Krish Dhanam offer their “Lessons from the Boardroom to the Break Room” based on their extensive experience with companies such as Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Quantum, and the Zig Ziglar Corporation. This little book captures their wisdom in capsule form, designed to guide readers along the path to a point where IQ meets EQ and quality of life results. When head and heart, skill and will, and strategic formula and emotional fou
 Why We Make Things and Why It Matters
 Why We Make Things and Why It Matters

 Автор: Peter Korn

  "The style of Peter Korn’s lovely, patient and fastidious ode to craft, Why We Make Things and Why It Matters , mirrors the technical precision and style he has used in his career as a furniture maker and teacher."—The New York Times The pursuit of material things often leaves some essential part of us malnourished. We may find ourselves starved for something more satisfying. Furniture making, for woodworker Peter Korn, is the challenging
 Lucy Kellaway's History of Office Life
 Lucy Kellaway's History of Office Life

 Автор: Somethin' Else

 Be Different
 Be Different

 Автор: Dianna Booher

 Tagging for Talent
 Tagging for Talent

 Автор: Michael S. Salone

Показано 19 - 27 (всего 76 позиций)
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