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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Организационный менеджмент
 The CCL Handbook of Coaching
 The CCL Handbook of Coaching

 Автор: Sharon Ting

  Coaching is vital to developing talent in organizations, and it is an essential capability of effective leaders. The CCL Handbook of Coaching is based on a philosophy of leadership development that the Center for Creative Leadership has honed over thirty years with rigorous research and with long, rich experience in the practice of leadership coaching. The book uses a coaching framework to give a compass to leaders who are called to coach as a m
 The Nature of Organizational Leadership
 The Nature of Organizational Leadership

 Автор: Richard Klimoski J.

  The quality of an organization's top leaders is a critical influence on its overall effectiveness and continuing adaptability. Yet, little current research examines leadership within the context of organizational structure, such as how leaders influence organizational performance in those key moments when an executive's action is critical to driving the organization forward. This book represents a significant contribution to the literature of le
 The Value Motive
 The Value Motive

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Our market system has evolved in line with capitalist philosophy, and at its heart is profit. But while profit can be a powerful motive, it is not always used responsibly and, in the worst cases, this can have damaging effects at a wider level. The calls for a corporate conscience grow louder, but no one has yet suggested an alternative to profit that people find as compelling. Profit is here and now. In this climate, the solution is to refine t

 Managerial Dilemmas
 Managerial Dilemmas

 Автор: John Storey

  In the midst of the most severe recession for 80 years there is little need to argue that organizations are beset by dilemmas and paradoxes. Confidence in prevailing business models and in the underlying assumptions underpinning business decisions over many decades has now been shaken. But it is not enough to rail against arrogance and greed. Within their own (flawed) assumptions bankers and corporate leaders were acting rationally. A major reas
 Organizational Knowledge
 Organizational Knowledge

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book makes an important contribution to our understanding of practice-based organizational learning and knowing. Based on the author's detailed study of safety practices in different corporate settings. The author uses this study to empirically describe how learning, knowing and organizing are practised. Centred on the concepts of «knowing in practice» and the «texture» of organizational knowledge. Gives a rich account of how organizations
 Debating Organization
 Debating Organization

 Автор: Robert Westwood

  This volume introduces readers to the central debates of organization studies through a series of 'point' and 'counterpoint' debates by major figures in the field. Introduces readers to the central tensions and debates of organization studies. Celebrates the productive heterogeneity of the field by placing competing perspectives side by side. Includes contributions from major figures in the field. Structured in an innovative 'point' and 'counter
 Reframing Organizations
 Reframing Organizations

 Автор: Lee Bolman G.

  In this third edition of their best-selling classic, authors Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal explain the powerful tool of «reframing.» The authors have distilled the organizational literature into a comprehensive approach for looking at situations from more than one angle. Their four frames view organizations as factories, families, jungles, and theaters or temples: The Structural Frame: how to organize and structure groups and teams to get results
 Corporate Governance
 Corporate Governance

 Автор: Ulrich Steger

  This book present the value school of corporate governance, outlining a multitude of areas where corporate governance could add real worth, and showing how this can be put into effect. No “one-size-fits-all” model emerges as a solution. Rather, the insights in this book take idiosyncrasies and dynamics over time into consideration. They consider the main issues and their real causes, ownership settings, country settings and new developments in c
 Corporate Co-Evolution
 Corporate Co-Evolution

 Автор: John Child

  WINNER OF THE GEORGE R. TERRY ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT BOOK AWARD 2009 «This superb study of a Brazilian state company's transition to private ownership is marvellously comprehensive in its coverage of the firm's entire life span and the full spectrum of its interactions with all aspects of its environment. The outstanding quality of this volume's contribution to co-evolutionary thinking and institutional and political theory has invaluable implica
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