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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Организационный менеджмент
 Work-Life Integration
 Work-Life Integration

 Автор: Suzan Lewis

  Developments in IT and communication technology, coupled with the global 24 hour market, have led to boundaries between work and personal life becoming ever more blurred, while work/life policies and practice struggle to keep up. This book aims to challenge traditional thinking on work life balance, and to explore different ways of promoting change at many levels. It provides a historical overview of the topic, critiques contemporary approaches
 Organization at the Limit
 Organization at the Limit

 Автор: William Starbuck

  The book offers important insight relevant to Corporate, Government and Global organizations management in general. The internationally recognised authors tackle vital issues in decision making, how organizational risk is managed, how can technological and organizational complexities interact, what are the impediments for effective learning and how large, medium, and small organizations can, and in fact must, increase their resilience. Managers,
 The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace
 The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace

 Автор: Warren Bennis

  How does emotional intelligence as a competency go beyond the individual to become something a group or entire organization can build and utilize collectively? Written primarily by members of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, founded by recognized EI experts Daniel Goleman and Cary Cherniss, this groundbreaking compendium examines the conceptual and strategic issues involved in defining, measuring and promot

 Beating the 24/7
 Beating the 24/7

 Автор: Группа авторов

  As more than 90% of spending on the Internet comes from brick and mortar companies it is these operations that will form the client base for e-learning. This book shows those companies how to get e-learning implementation right first time. Don Morisson explores and explains the whole implementation continuum – strategy, vendor selection, technology, implementation, culture change, content development and delivery. Most importantly he stresses th
 Managing in the Modular Age
 Managing in the Modular Age

 Автор: Raghu Garud

  This book brings together seminal articles by leading scholars of technological and organizational systems, exploring the impact of 'modularity'. Modularity refers to an ability to take apart and put together differenct products and networks, or to 'mix and match' components in order to meet different user specifications. This is of key importance today where new systems such as the World Wide Web and many areas of the computer industry depend o
 Controlling the Costs of Conflict
 Controlling the Costs of Conflict

 Автор: Karl Slaikeu A.

  Written for non-experts in jargon-free language, this work shows how to create systems within organizations that preempt the monetary, strategic, and emotional costs associated with on-the-job conflict. Its clear and simple approach translates advanced concepts into practical how-tos and provides readers with four guiding principles they can follow to create conflict control systems of their own. Amply illustrated with real-world examples, it de
 Creating a Culture of Collaboration
 Creating a Culture of Collaboration

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Collaboration is often viewed as a one-time or project-oriented activity. An increasing challenge is to help organizations incorporate collaborative values and practices in their everyday ways of working. In Creating a Culture of Collaboration, an international group of practitioners and researchers–from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, and the United States–provide proven approaches to creating a
 Handbook of Human Performance Technology
 Handbook of Human Performance Technology

 Автор: James Pershing A.

  The first two editions of the Handbook of Human Performance Technology helped define the rapidly growing and vibrant field of human performance technology – a systematic approach to improving individual and organizational performance. Exhaustively researched, this comprehensive sourcebook not only updates key foundational chapters on organizational change, evaluation, instructional design, and motivation, but it also features breakthrough chapte
 The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation
 The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Sponsored by the International Association of Facilitators, The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation offers the need-to-know basics in the field brought together by fifty leading practitioners and scholars. This indispensable resource includes successful strategies and methods, foundations, and resources for anyone who works with groups. The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation provides an overview of the field for new and aspiring practitioners and
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