Comfort for Those Confronting Breast Cancer Find healing and power. In moments of reflection after a cancer diagnosis, the ensuing feeling of uncertainty and despair can overcome patients. The Language of Healing not only uplifts and strengthens the spirit of cancer patients and those recently diagnosed, it provides a resource that begins to connect the reader to themselves and their relation to the world. Comfo ...
Монография посвящена раку желудка и современным возможностям использования молекулярных маркеров для диагностики, прогноза и определения тактики ведения пациентов с этим заболеванием. В первой части книги (главы 1, 2 и 3) описываются современные теоретические основы молекулярно-генетических механизмов канцерогенеза желудка, некоторые аспекты генетического консультирования больных раком желудка, а также определенные особенности, связанные с веден ...
This exciting reader-friendly book addresses the general perspectives of cancer in diverse ways — everyday lifestyle, nutrition, environmental factors as well as genetics. The author, an expert in Immuno-Oncology, makes conscious efforts to break down the complexities of cancer development through the use of scientific evidences and everyday activities. There are so many myths about cancer out there. This book employs scientific basis ...
The definitive state-of-the-art guide on laryngeal cancer treatment from world-renowned experts Ongoing advances in innovative technologies have improved the diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal cancer, resulting in more optimal oncologic and functional patient outcomes. Laryngeal Cancer: Approach Based on Clinical Cases , by distinguished head and neck surgeon Rogério R. Dedivitis and internationally recognized coeditors, is a ...
'Light' from low level laser therapy, through a process called photobiomodulation (PBM), has been in existence in supportive care in cancer, in particular in the management of oral mucositis (OM) in patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. In this book the authors attempt to portray the current status of the supportive care interventions that are possible with PBM using low level ...