Белорусская стратегическая наступательная операция «Багратион» – одна из самых известных операций советских войск за годы Великой Отечественной войны. При этом о проведенной в ее рамках Бобруйской наступательной операции известно лишь две подробности, попавшие в киноэпопею «Освобождение» – то, как К.К. Рокоссовский доказывал И.В. Сталину необходимость нанесения двух главных ударов, и то, что наступление проходило в труднодоступной лесисто-болоти ...
Общенациональная ежедневная газета, которая пользуется заслуженным доверием и уважением читателей. Круг интересов газеты – политика, экономика, культура и спорт, общественная жизнь и будни армии, городские новости и светская хроника. В каждом номере публикуются эксклюзивные репортажи, аналитика и комментарии высокопрофессиональных журналистов. ...
""Nothing is more unwise, on general principles, than to attempt to write about a war before that war is finished and before history has given it the justice of perspective. The campaign which began with the flight of the Belgian Government from Brussels and which culminated in the fall of Antwerp formed, however, a separate and distinct phase of the Greatest of Wars, and I feel that I should write of that campaign while its events are stil ...
This vintage book contains a detailed guide-book the Roman forts and ruins of Eskdale, a dale in Cumberland. There are two significant Roman forts at this location: one on the mountainside of Hardknot, the other at Ravenglass by the sea-shore. «Roman Eskdale» was written and published with the permission of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antquarian and Archaeological Society, and it is highly recommended for those with an interest in ancient Rom ...
""I have tried as an American in writing this book to give the public a complete view of the trenches and life on the Western Front as it appeared to me, and also my impression of conditions and men as I found them. It has been a pleasure to write it, and now that I have finished I am genuinely sorry that I cannot go further. On the lecture tour I find that people ask me questions, and I have tried in this book to give in detail many things ...
""This book, all of which has been written at the Front within sound of the German guns and for the most part within shell and rifle range, is an attempt to tell something of the manner of struggle that has gone on for months between the lines along the Western Front, and more especially of what lies behind and goes to the making of those curt and vague terms in the war communiques. I think that our people at Home will be glad to know more, ...
Percival Everett’s <i><b>The Book of Training by Colonel Hap Thompson of Roanoke, VA, 1843, Annotated From the Library of John C. Calhoun</i></b>, is poetry within the harsh confines of a mock historical document—a guidebook for the American slave owner. The collection features lists of instructions for buying, training, and punishing, equations for calculating present and future profits, and handwritten annotations affir ...
Общенациональная ежедневная газета, которая пользуется заслуженным доверием и уважением читателей. Круг интересов газеты – политика, экономика, культура и спорт, общественная жизнь и будни армии, городские новости и светская хроника. В каждом номере публикуются эксклюзивные репортажи, аналитика и комментарии высокопрофессиональных журналистов. ...