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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
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 Seattle in Black and White
 Seattle in Black and White

 Автор: Joan Singler

  Seattle was a very different city in 1960 than it is today. There were no black bus drivers, sales clerks, or bank tellers. Black children rarely attended the same schools as white children. And few black people lived outside of the Central District. In 1960, Seattle was effectively a segregated town.Energized by the national civil rights movement, an interracial group of Seattle residents joined together to form the Seattle chapter of the Congr
 Hiking Washington's History
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 Автор: Judy Bentley

  Hiking Washington�s History reveals the stories embedded in Washington�s landscape. This trail guide narrates forty historic trails, ranging from short day hikes to three- or four-day backpacking trips over mountain passes. Every region in the state is included, from the northwesternmost tip of the continental United States at Cape Flattery to the remote Blue Mountains in the southeast. Each chapter begins with a brief over
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 Автор: James Schamus
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 The Wicked Wine of Democracy

 Автор: Joseph S. Miller

  The Wicked Wine of Democracy is a frank account by a political operative and practicing lobbyist who in the early 1950s went from being a journalist in Seattle to working on the campaigns of such important political figures as Warren G. Magnuson, Henry �Scoop� Jackson, Frank Church, William Proxmire, and, finally, John F. Kennedy. He was so successful in managing the media for campaigns across the country that in 1957 the W
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 Автор: Lawney L. Reyes

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 How Many Machine Guns Does It Take to Cook One Meal?

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 The New Woman in Uzbekistan

 Автор: Marianne Kamp
 Plowed Under
 Plowed Under

 Автор: Andrew P. Duffin

  In Plowed Under, Andrew P. Duffin traces the transformation of the Palouse region of Washington and Idaho from land thought unusable and unproductive to a wealth-generating agricultural paradise, weighing the consequences of what this progress has wrought. During the twentieth century, the Palouse became synonymous with wheat, and the landscape was irrevocably altered. At the dawn of the twenty-first century, native vegetation is almost nonexist
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