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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
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 Neighbor Power

 Автор: Jim A. Diers

  Building on the lessons of early labor leaders, civil rights volunteers, and political activists, Jim Diers has developed his own models and successful strategies for community development. Neighbor Power chronicles his involvement with Seattle�s communities. This book not only gives hope that participatory democracy is possible, but it offers practical applications and invaluable lessons for ordinary, caring citizens who want to make
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 Common Sense on Weapons of Mass Destruction

 Автор: Thomas Graham, Jr.
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 Автор: William G. Robbins

  Post-World War II Oregon was a place of optimism and growth, a spectacular natural region from ocean to high desert that seemingly provided opportunity in abundance. With the passing of time, however, Oregon�s citizens � rural and urban � would find themselves entangled in issues that they had little experience in resolving. The same trees that provided income to timber corporations, small mill owners, loggers, a

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 Автор: Yegor Gaidar
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 The Nature of Gold

 Автор: Kathryn Morse

  In 1896, a small group of prospectors discovered a stunningly rich pocket of gold at the confluence of the Klondike and Yukon rivers, and in the following two years thousands of individuals traveled to the area, hoping to find wealth in a rugged and challenging setting. Ever since that time, the Klondike Gold Rush – especially as portrayed in photographs of long lines of gold seekers marching up Chilkoot Pass – has had a hold on the popular imag
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 Автор: Thomas Graham, Jr.
 All Russia Is Burning!
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 Автор: Cathy A. Frierson
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 Candles in the Dark

 Автор: Barbara Sundberg Baudot
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