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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Общая история
 International Migration in Cuba
 International Migration in Cuba

 Автор: Margarita Cervantes-Rodriguez

  Since the arrival of the Spanish conquerors at the beginning of the colonial period, Cuba has been hugely influenced by international migration. Between 1791 and 1810, for instance, many French people migrated to Cuba in the wake of the purchase of Louisiana by the United States and turmoil in Saint-Domingue. Between 1847 and 1874, Cuba was the main recipient of Chinese indentured laborers in Latin America. During the nineteenth century as a who
 The Time of Popular Sovereignty
 The Time of Popular Sovereignty

 Автор: Paulina Ochoa Espejo

  Democracy is usually conceived as based on self-rule or rule by the people, and it is this which is taken to ground the legitimacy of the democratic form of government. But who constitutes the people? Democratic political theory has a potentially fatal weakness at its core unless it can answer this question satisfactorily. In The Time of Popular Sovereignty , Paulina Ochoa Espejo examines the problems the concept of the people raises for libera
 Decentralization, Democratization, and Informal Power in Mexico
 Decentralization, Democratization, and Informal Power in Mexico

 Автор: Andrew Selee

  In the last two decades of the twentieth century, many countries in Latin America freed themselves from the burden of their authoritarian pasts and developed democratic political systems. At the same time, they began a process of shifting many governmental responsibilities from the national to the state and local levels. Much has been written about how decentralization has fostered democratization, but informal power relationships inherited from

 Deepening Local Democracy in Latin America
 Deepening Local Democracy in Latin America

 Автор: Benjamin Goldfrank

  The resurgence of the Left in Latin America over the past decade has been so notable that it has been called “the Pink Tide.” In recent years, regimes with leftist leaders have risen to power in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Venezuela. What does this trend portend for the deepening of democracy in the region? Benjamin Goldfrank has been studying the development of participato
 Rural Protest and the Making of Democracy in Mexico, 1968–2000
 Rural Protest and the Making of Democracy in Mexico, 1968–2000

 Автор: Dolores Trevizo

  When the PRI fell from power in the elections of 2000, scholars looked for an explanation. Some focused on international pressures, while others pointed to recent electoral reforms. In contrast, Dolores Trevizo argues that a more complete explanation takes much earlier democratizing changes in civil society into account. Her book explores how largely rural protest movements laid the groundwork for liberalization of the electoral arena and the co
 Feudal America
 Feudal America

 Автор: Joshua Woods

  Do Americans live in a liberal capitalist society, where evenhanded competition rules the day, or a society in which big money, private security, and personal relations determine key social outcomes? Vladimir Shlapentokh and Joshua Woods argue that the answer to these questions cannot be found among the conventional models used to describe the nation. Offering a new analytical tool, the authors present a provocative explanation of the nature of
 Opening Windows onto Hidden Lives
 Opening Windows onto Hidden Lives

 Автор: Julie N. Zimmerman

  Building on their analysis in Sociology in Government (Penn State, 2003), Julie Zimmerman and Olaf Larson again join forces across the generations to explore the unexpected inclusion of rural and farm women in the research conducted by the USDA’s Division of Farm Population and Rural Life. Existing from 1919 to 1953, the Division was the first, and for a time the only, unit of the federal government devoted to sociological research.
 Debating God's Economy
 Debating God's Economy

 Автор: Craig Prentiss
 David Franks
 David Franks

 Автор: Mark Abbott Stern

  David Franks, a colonial businessman in Philadelphia, was one of the most important figures in American Jewish history in the eighteenth century. This extensively researched biography illuminates not only Franks's personal dealings, but also his business life. Franks was involved with Indian trade, ship design and building, manufacturing, international trade, land speculation, westward exploration, and military provisioning. This volume fol
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