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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Общая история
 Военная хроника 1944-1945
 Военная хроника 1944-1945

 Автор: Вадим Холдевич

  Бои идут на улицах Берлина. Батальоны где-то впереди. Их отделяют от нас громады очень разрушенных и менее разрушенных зданий. Наша маломощная РБМ никак не желает держать устойчивую связь. Кажется, наконец услышал голос радиста танка командира батальона, и можно запросить обстановку. Но голос теряется среди треска атмосферных разрядов, писка морзянки, трескучей немецкой речи. А связь очень и очень нужна. Где-то в той стороне, куда ушли танки,
 Retrying Galileo, 1633–1992
 Retrying Galileo, 1633–1992

 Автор: Maurice A. Finocchiaro
 American Founding Fathers In Color
 American Founding Fathers In Color

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  In children, education is a marriage between academic structure and sensual inspiration. Playing recruits their natural powers of imagination and reduces boredom or resistance. As an inherent avenue to assimilate the overwhelming amount of data received daily, playing emulates the skills they will need in the future. Indeed, creating examples of rivalry and agreement through active participation and visualization captures the essence of playtime

 Известия 79-80-2020
 Известия 79-80-2020

 Автор: Редакция газеты Известия
 Год: 2020

  Общенациональная ежедневная газета, которая пользуется заслуженным доверием и уважением читателей. Круг интересов газеты – политика, экономика, культура и спорт, общественная жизнь и будни армии, городские новости и светская хроника. В каждом номере публикуются эксклюзивные репортажи, аналитика и комментарии высокопрофессиональных журналистов.
 Countries Of The World (Quick Facts And Figures)
 Countries Of The World (Quick Facts And Figures)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  When our children turn on the home's television sets, they will often flip through the channels to see the news or some nature channel. After seeing the video clips of film taken in other parts of the world, they may begin to wonder why they never get to see such things at home. There is a good chance they will begin to understand that the World is a giant place, much greater than the vicinity they are used to seeing every day. A Countries
 Classicism and Christianity in Late Antique Latin Poetry
 Classicism and Christianity in Late Antique Latin Poetry

 Автор: Prof. Philip Hardie

  After centuries of near silence, Latin poetry underwent a renaissance in the late fourth and fifth centuries CE evidenced in the works of&#160;key figures such as Ausonius, Claudian, Prudentius, and Paulinus of Nola. This period of resurgence marked&#160;a milestone in the reception of the classics of late Republican and early imperial poetry. In <I>Classicism and Christianity in Late Antique Latin Poetry,</I> Philip Hardie e
 The Variae
 The Variae

 Автор: Cassiodorus

  Cassiodorus&mdash;famed throughout history as one of the great Christian exegetes of antiquity&mdash;spent most of his life as a high-ranking public official under the Ostrogothic King Theoderic and his heirs. He produced the <I>Variae</I>, a unique letter collection that gave witness to the sixth-century Mediterranean, as late antiquity gave way to the early middle ages. The <I>Variae</I> represents thirty years
 The Specter of the Jews
 The Specter of the Jews

 Автор: Ari Finkelstein

  In the generation after Constantine the Great elevated Christianity to a dominant position in the Roman Empire, his nephew, the Emperor Julian, sought to reinstate the old gods to their former place of prominence&mdash;in the face of intense opposition from the newly powerful Christian church. In early 363 c.e., while living in Syrian Antioch, Julian redoubled his efforts to hellenize the Roman Empire by turning to an unlikely source: the Je
 Music of the Renaissance
 Music of the Renaissance

 Автор: Laurenz Lutteken

  Where previous accounts of the Renaissance have not fully acknowledged the role that music played in this decisive period of cultural history, Laurenz L&uuml;tteken merges historical music analysis with the analysis of the other arts to provide a richer context for the emergence and evolution of creative cultures across civilizations. This fascinating panorama foregrounds music as a substantial component of the era and considers musical work
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