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 Общая история
 Stalinism Reloaded
 Stalinism Reloaded

 Автор: Sandor Horvath
 From Trophy Towns to City-States
 From Trophy Towns to City-States

 Автор: Jesper Majbom Madsen
 An Unsettled Conquest
 An Unsettled Conquest

 Автор: Geoffrey Plank

  The former French colony of Acadia—permanently renamed Nova Scotia by the British when they began an ambitious occupation of the territory in 1710—witnessed one of the bitterest struggles in the British empire. Whereas in its other North American colonies Britain assumed it could garner the sympathies of fellow Europeans against the native peoples, in Nova Scotia nothing was further from the truth. The Mi'kmaq, the nativ

 An Empire Divided
 An Empire Divided

 Автор: Andrew Jackson O'Shaughnessy

  There were 26—not 13—British colonies in America in 1776. Of these, the six colonies in the Caribbean—Jamaica, Barbados, the Leeward Islands, Grenada and Tobago, St. Vincent; and Dominica—were among the wealthiest. These island colonies were closely related to the mainland by social ties and tightly connected by trade. In a period when most British colonists in North America lived less than 200 miles inlan
 First City
 First City

 Автор: Gary B. Nash

  With its rich foundation stories, Philadelphia may be the most important city in America's collective memory. By the middle of the eighteenth century William Penn's «greene countrie town» was, after London, the largest city in the British Empire. The two most important documents in the history of the United States, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, were drafted and signed in Philadelphia. The city served off and on
 The Lithuanian Metrica
 The Lithuanian Metrica

 Автор: Arturas Dubonis
 72 in His Name
 72 in His Name

 Автор: Ian Christie-Miller

  Leading figures at the dawn of the sixteenth-century Reformation commonly faced the charge of “judaizing”: 72 In His Name concerns the changing views of four such men starting with their kabbalistic treatment of the 72 divine names of angels. Johann Reuchlin, the first of the four men featured in this book, survived the charge; Martin Luther’s increasingly anti-semitic stance is contrasted with the opposite movement of the French Franciscan
 Between Rome and Byzantium
 Between Rome and Byzantium

 Автор: Jurate Kiaupiene
 The Jews in Italy
 The Jews in Italy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  All twenty-two original articles in the current volume are based on lectures given at the conference “The Jews in Italy: Their Contribution to the Development and Diffusion of Jewish Heritage”, which was convened in September 2011, at the University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage. Geographically, the articles range from Italy to the Ottoman Empire (the Balkans and Aleppo), from France and Germany to the Middle East, including Israel
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