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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Общая история
 Blood Matters
 Blood Matters

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In late medieval and early modern Europe, definitions of blood in medical writing were slippery and changeable: blood was at once the red fluid in human veins, a humor, a substance governing crucial Galenic models of bodily change, a waste product, a cause of corruption, a source of life, a medical cure, a serum appearing under the guise of all other bodily secretions, and—after William Harvey's discovery of its circulation&md
 Strange Bedfellows
 Strange Bedfellows

 Автор: Alison Lefkovitz

  In the inaugural issue of Ms. Magazine , the feminist activist Judy Syfers proclaimed that she «would like a wife,» offering a wry critique of the state of marriage in modern America. After all, she observed, a wife could provide Syfers with free childcare and housecleaning services as well as wages from a job. Outside the pages of Ms. , divorced men's rights activist Charles Metz opened his own manifesto on marriage reform with a triumph
 Undercurrents of Power
 Undercurrents of Power

 Автор: Kevin Dawson

  Long before the rise of New World slavery, West Africans were adept swimmers, divers, canoe makers, and canoeists. They lived along riverbanks, near lakes, or close to the ocean. In those waterways, they became proficient in diverse maritime skills, while incorporating water and aquatics into spiritual understandings of the world. Transported to the Americas, slaves carried with them these West African skills and cultural values. Indeed, accordi

 Set the World on Fire
 Set the World on Fire

 Автор: Keisha N. Blain

  In 1932, Mittie Maude Lena Gordon spoke to a crowd of black Chicagoans at the old Jack Johnson boxing ring, rallying their support for emigration to West Africa. In 1937, Celia Jane Allen traveled to Jim Crow Mississippi to organize rural black workers around black nationalist causes. In the late 1940s, from her home in Kingston, Jamaica, Amy Jacques Garvey launched an extensive letter-writing campaign to defend the Greater Liberia Bill, which w
 Before AIDS
 Before AIDS

 Автор: Katie Batza

  The AIDS crisis of the 1980s looms large in recent histories of sexuality, medicine, and politics, and justly so—an unknown virus without a cure ravages an already persecuted minority, medical professionals are unprepared and sometimes unwilling to care for the sick, and a national health bureaucracy is slow to invest resources in finding a cure. Yet this widely accepted narrative, while accurate, creates the impression that the gay co
 The Venetian Qur'an
 The Venetian Qur'an

 Автор: Pier Mattia Tommasino

  An anonymous book appeared in Venice in 1547 titled L'Alcorano di Macometto , and, according to the title page, it contained «the doctrine, life, customs, and laws [of Mohammed] . . . newly translated from Arabic into the Italian language.» Were this true, L'Alcorano di Macometto would have been the first printed direct translation of the Qur'an in a European vernacular language. The truth, however, was otherwise. As soon becam
 God's Country
 God's Country

 Автор: Samuel Goldman

  The United States is Israel's closest ally in the world. The fact is undeniable, and undeniably controversial, not least because it so often inspires conspiracy theorizing among those who refuse to believe that the special relationship serves America's strategic interests or places the United States on the right side of Israel's enduring conflict with the Palestinians. Some point to the nefarious influence of a powerful «Israel lo
 Colonial Complexions
 Colonial Complexions

 Автор: Sharon Block

  In Colonial Complexions , historian Sharon Block examines how Anglo-Americans built racial ideologies out of descriptions of physical appearance. By analyzing more than 4,000 advertisements for fugitive servants and slaves in colonial newspapers alongside scores of transatlantic sources, she reveals how colonists transformed observable characteristics into racist reality. Building on her expertise in digital humanities, Block repurposes these w
 Unsettling the West
 Unsettling the West

 Автор: Rob Harper

  The revolutionary Ohio Valley is often depicted as a chaotic Hobbesian dystopia, in which Indians and colonists slaughtered each other at every turn. In Unsettling the West , Rob Harper overturns this familiar story. Rather than flailing in a morass, the peoples of the revolutionary Ohio Valley actively and persistently sought to establish a new political order that would affirm their land claims, protect them against attack, and promote trade.
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