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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
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 Entangled Empires
 Entangled Empires

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Poetry Wars
 Poetry Wars

 Автор: Colin Wells

  During America's founding period, poets and balladeers engaged in a series of literary «wars» against political leaders, journalists, and each other, all in the name of determining the political course of the new nation. Political poems and songs appeared regularly in newspapers (and as pamphlets and broadsides), commenting on political issues and controversies and satirizing leaders like Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Drawing on
 Women at the Wheel
 Women at the Wheel

 Автор: Katherine J. Parkin

  Ever since the Ford Model T became a vehicle for the masses, the automobile has served as a symbol of masculinity. The freedom of the open road, the muscle car's horsepower, the technical know-how for tinkering: all of these experiences have largely been understood from the perspective of the male driver. Women, in contrast, were relegated to the passenger seat and have been the target of stereotypes that portray them as uninterested in aut

 Liquid Landscape
 Liquid Landscape

 Автор: Michele Currie Navakas

  In Florida, land and water frequently change places with little warning, dissolving homes and communities along with the very concepts of boundaries themselves. While Florida's landscape of saturated swamps, shifting shorelines, coral reefs, and tiny keys initially impeded familiar strategies of early U.S. settlement, such as the establishment of fixed dwellings, sturdy fences, and cultivated fields, over the course of the eighteenth and ni
 Slavery and Silence
 Slavery and Silence

 Автор: Paul D. Naish

  In the thirty-five years before the Civil War, it became increasingly difficult for Americans outside the world of politics to have frank and open discussions about the institution of slavery, as divisive sectionalism and heated ideological rhetoric circumscribed public debate. To talk about slavery was to explore—or deny—its obvious shortcomings, its inhumanity, its contradictions. To celebrate it required explaining away th
 Nature and Culture in the Early Modern Atlantic
 Nature and Culture in the Early Modern Atlantic

 Автор: Peter C. Mancall

  In the sixteenth-century Atlantic world, nature and culture swirled in people's minds to produce fantastic images. In the South of France, a cloister's painted wooden panels greeted parishioners with vivid depictions of unicorns, dragons, and centaurs, while Mayans in the Yucatan created openings to buildings that resembled a fierce animal's jaws, known to archaeologists as serpent-column portals. In Nature and Culture in the Ea
 Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
 Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

 Автор: Christopher A. Frilingos

  When Jesus was five he killed a boy, or so reports the Infancy Gospel of Thomas . A little boy had run into Jesus by accident, bumping him on the shoulder, and Jesus took offense: «Jesus was angry and said to him, 'You shall go no further on your way,' and instantly the boy fell down and died.» A second story recounts how Jesus transformed mud into living birds, while yet another has Joseph telling Mary to keep Jesus in the house so t
 Republican Character
 Republican Character

 Автор: Donald T. Critchlow

  "Politics makes for strange bedfellows," the old saying goes. Americans, however, often forget the obvious lesson underlying this adage: politics is about winning elections and governing once in office. Voters of all stripes seem put off by the rough-and-tumble horse-trading and deal-making of politics, viewing its practitioners as self-serving and without principle or conviction. Because of these perspectives, the scholarly and popular na
 Improvised Continent
 Improvised Continent

 Автор: Richard Candida Smith

  How does a country in the process of becoming a world power prepare its citizens for the responsibilities of global leadership? In Improvised Continent , Richard Cándida Smith answers this question by illuminating the forgotten story of how, over the course of the twentieth century, cultural exchange programs, some run by the government and others by philanthropies and major cultural institutions, brought many of the most important a
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