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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Общая история
 The Papers of William Penn, Volume 4
 The Papers of William Penn, Volume 4

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Family Values and the Rise of the Christian Right
 Family Values and the Rise of the Christian Right

 Автор: Seth Dowland

  During the last three decades of the twentieth century, evangelical leaders and conservative politicians developed a political agenda that thrust «family values» onto the nation's consciousness. Ministers, legislators, and laypeople came together to fight abortion, gay rights, and major feminist objectives. They supported private Christian schools, home schooling, and a strong military. Family values leaders like Jerry Falwell, Phyllis Schl
 America at the Ballot Box
 America at the Ballot Box

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Elections are, and always have been, the lifeblood of American democracy. Often raucous and sharply contentious, sometimes featuring grand debates about the nation's future, and invariably full of dramatic moments, elections offer insight into the character and historical evolution of American politics. America at the Ballot Box uses the history of presidential elections to illuminate American political democracy and its development from

 The Papers of William Penn, Volume 3
 The Papers of William Penn, Volume 3

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Inventing Exoticism
 Inventing Exoticism

 Автор: Benjamin Schmidt

  As early modern Europe launched its multiple projects of global empire, it simultaneously embarked on an ambitious program of describing and picturing the world. The shapes and meanings of the extraordinary global images that emerged from this process form the subject of this highly original and richly textured study of cultural geography. Inventing Exoticism draws on a vast range of sources from history, literature, science, and art to descri
 Faithful Republic
 Faithful Republic

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Despite constitutional limitations, the points of contact between religion and politics have deeply affected all aspects of American political development since the founding of the United States. Within partisan politics, federal institutions, and movement activism, religion and politics have rarely been truly separate; rather, they are two forms of cultural expression that are continually coevolving and reconfiguring in the face of social chang
 Building the Empire State
 Building the Empire State

 Автор: Brian Phillips Murphy

  Building the Empire State examines the origins of American capitalism by tracing how and why business corporations were first introduced into the economy of the early republic. Brian Phillips Murphy follows the collaborations between political leaders and a group of unelected political entrepreneurs, including Robert R. Livingston and Alexander Hamilton, who persuaded legislative powers to grant monopolies corporate status in order to finance
 Empire by Collaboration
 Empire by Collaboration

 Автор: Robert Michael Morrissey

  From the beginnings of colonial settlement in Illinois Country, the region was characterized by self-determination and collaboration that did not always align with imperial plans. The French in Quebec established a somewhat reluctant alliance with the Illinois Indians while Jesuits and fur traders planted defiant outposts in the Illinois River Valley beyond the Great Lakes. These autonomous early settlements were brought into the French empire o
 The Roman Inquisition
 The Roman Inquisition

 Автор: Thomas F. Mayer

  Few legal events loom as large in early modern history as the trial of Galileo. Frequently cast as a heroic scientist martyred to religion or as a scapegoat of papal politics, Galileo undoubtedly stood at a watershed moment in the political maneuvering of a powerful church. But to fully understand how and why Galileo came to be condemned by the papal courts—and what role he played in his own downfall—it is necessary to examin
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