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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
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 The Birth of the Grand Old Party
 The Birth of the Grand Old Party

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The period from 1850 to 1876 was the most transformative era in American history. During the course of this tumultuous quarter century Americans fought a bloody civil war, tried to settle the issue of state versus central government power, recognized the dominance of the new industrial economy over the older agricultural one, and ended slavery, long the shame of the nation. At the same time, a major political realignment occurred with the collap
 An Army of Lions
 An Army of Lions

 Автор: Shawn Leigh Alexander

  In January 1890, journalist T. Thomas Fortune stood before a delegation of African American activists in Chicago and declared, «We know our rights and have the courage to defend them,» as together they formed the Afro-American League, the nation's first national civil rights organization. Over the next two decades, Fortune and his fellow activists organized, agitated, and, in the process, created the foundation for the modern civil rights m
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 Автор: Jennifer L. Morgan

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 The Hebrew Book in Early Modern Italy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The rise of printing had major effects on culture and society in the early modern period, and the presence of this new technology—and the relatively rapid embrace of it among early modern Jews—certainly had an effect on many aspects of Jewish culture. One major change that print seems to have brought to the Jewish communities of Christian Europe, particularly in Italy, was greater interaction between Jews and Christians in th
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 Автор: Clifford Ando

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 Billy Graham and the Rise of the Republican South
 Billy Graham and the Rise of the Republican South

 Автор: Steven P. Miller

  While spreading the gospel around the world through his signature crusades, internationally renowned evangelist Billy Graham maintained a visible and controversial presence in his native South, a region that underwent substantial political and economic change in the latter half of the twentieth century. In this period Graham was alternately a desegregating crusader in Alabama, Sunbelt booster in Atlanta, regional apologist in the national press,
 Dangerous Economies
 Dangerous Economies

 Автор: Serena R. Zabin
 Death in the New World
 Death in the New World

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 Citizens of a Christian Nation

 Автор: Derek Chang
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