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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Общая биология
 Knowledge of Life Today
 Knowledge of Life Today

 Автор: Victor Petit
 Microvascular Disease in Diabetes
 Microvascular Disease in Diabetes

 Автор: Группа авторов
 To Catch a Virus
 To Catch a Virus

 Автор: John Booss

  Expert storytellers weave together the science, technological advances, medical urgencies, and human stories that chronicle the development of the field of diagnostic virology. Follows a historical discoveries that defined viruses and their roles in infectious diseases over a century of developments, epidemics, and molecular advances, and continuing into the 21st century with AIDS, HIV, and a future that in no way resembles the past. Features t

 The Power of Plagues
 The Power of Plagues

 Автор: Irwin W. Sherman

  The Power of Plagues presents a rogues' gallery of epidemic- causing microorganisms placed in the context of world history. Author Irwin W. Sherman introduces the microbes that caused these epidemics and the people who sought (and still seek) to understand how diseases and epidemics are managed. What makes this book especially fascinating are the many threads that Sherman weaves together as he explains how plagues past and present have sh
 Structure and Function of the Bacterial Genome
 Structure and Function of the Bacterial Genome

 Автор: Charles J. Dorman

  Presents an integrated view of the expression of bacterial genetic information, genome architecture and function, and bacterial physiology and pathogenesis This book blends information from the very latest research on bacterial chromosome and nucleoid architecture, whole-genome analysis, cell signaling, and gene expression control with well-known gene regulation paradigms from model organisms (including pathogens) to give readers a picture of
 Twelve Diseases that Changed Our World
 Twelve Diseases that Changed Our World

 Автор: Irwin W. Sherman

  Covers the history of twelve important diseases and addresses public health responses and societal upheavals. Chronicles the ways disease outbreaks shaped traditions and institutions of Western civilization. Explains the effects, causes, and outcomes from past epidemics. Describes a dozen diseases to show how disease control either was achieved or failed. Makes clear the interrelationship between diseases and history. Presents material in a c
 Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases
 Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases

 Автор: Peter J. Hotez

  Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases Second Edition The neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are the most common infections of the world's poor, but few people know about these diseases and why they are so important. This second edition of Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases provides an overview of the NTDs and how they devastate the poor, essentially trapping them in a vicious cycle of extreme poverty by preventing them from working o
 The New Microbiology
 The New Microbiology

 Автор: Pascale Cossart

  Microbiology has undergone radical changes over the past few decades, ushering in an exciting new era in science. In The New Microbiology , Pascale Cossart tells a splendid story about the revolution in microbiology, especially in bacteriology. This story has wide-ranging implications for human health and medicine, agriculture, environmental science, and our understanding of evolution. The revolution results from the powerful tools of molecul
 Molecular Biotechnology
 Molecular Biotechnology

 Автор: Bernard R. Glick

  Since 1994, Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA has introduced students to the fast-changing world of molecular biotechnology. With each revision, the authors have extensively updated the book to keep pace with the many new techniques in gene isolation and amplification, nucleic acid synthesis and sequencing, gene editing, and their applications to biotechnology. In this edition, authors Bernard R. Glick and
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