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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Общая биология
 Exploring the World of Biology
 Exploring the World of Biology

 Автор: John Hudson Tiner

  DISCOVER THEWORLD OF LIFE AS GODCREATED IT! The field of biology focuses on living things, from the smallest microscopic protozoa to the largest mammal. In this book you will read and explore the life of plants, insects, spiders and other arachnids, life in water, reptiles, birds, and mammals, highlighting God's amazing creatio. You will learn about the following and so much more: How does biological classification give each different type
 Дарвинизм в XXI веке
 Дарвинизм в XXI веке

 Автор: Борис Жуков
 Год: 2020

  Думаю, Дарвину понравилась бы эта книга – ему было бы интересно. Михаил Гельфанд Профессор, член Academia Europpea «А правда, что последние находки антропологов не подтверждают происхождение человека от обезьяны?», «А правда, что „недостающее звено“, переходная форма между человеком и обезьяной, так и не найдено?», «А правда, что современные ученые давно уже не рассматривают теорию эволюции всерьез?», «А правда, что питекантропа на само
 God Soul Mind Brain
 God Soul Mind Brain

 Автор: Майкл Грациано

  "Essential reading for the devout, the agnostic, and the atheist. In tackling the question of the religious brain, Graziano is respectful, sincere, and scientifically plausible. This might even be an Important Book."—Sam Wang, author of Welcome to Your Brain"A beautifully crafted, tightly scripted account of how the far-flung legions of the brain's neurons give rise to social awareness and our notions of soul, religio


 Автор: David Eagleman

 The Path to the Double Helix
 The Path to the Double Helix

 Автор: Robert Olby

  The 1953 discovery by James Watson and Francis Crick of the molecular structure of DNA ranks among the most dramatic events in the history of science. In this lively, perceptive, and scholarly study, a noted historian of science provides the first in-depth account of this milestone's achievement.Combining scientific and historical approaches, the narrative vividly recaptures the excitement of the conceptualization and evolution of ideas tha
 The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
 The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals

 Автор: Чарльз Дарвин

  In this highly readable study, one of the great pioneers of modern science examines how people and animals display varieties of emotions via their facial expressions. British naturalist Charles Darwin–who expounded the theory of evolution by natural selection, the principle that launched a scientific revolution—based this survey on his personal observations. Most of his findings were proven by later research, and today's behaviora
 Cosmology, Atomic Theory, Evolution
 Cosmology, Atomic Theory, Evolution

 Автор: Группа авторов

  "Sir William Cecil Dampier's Readings in the Literature of Science has long been a classic. Unlike many other collections, it has the virtue of dealing thoroughly with three major subjects which are at the very heart of science: cosmogony, atomic theory and evolution. For each, the readings have been selected so as to give a continuous story, enabling the reader to share in the great excitement of the process of scientific discovery an
 Human Anatomy in Full Color
 Human Anatomy in Full Color

 Автор: John Green

  The human body is an infinitely complex marvel of fine design, superbly adapted to its functions. A host of specialized organs, bones, muscles, nerve fibers, blood vessels, and other anatomical features work together in harmony to maintain the network of interrelated body systems necessary to maintain life. Now the component parts of this intricate flesh-and-blood machine are clearly revealed in this treasury of detailed anatomical illustrations
 On the Origin of Species
 On the Origin of Species

 Автор: Чарльз Дарвин

  "The Origin is one of the most important books ever published, and a knowledge of it should be a part of the intellectual equipment of every educated person. . . . The book will endure in future ages so long as a knowledge of science persists among mankind." — NatureIt took Charles Darwin more than twenty years to publish this book, in part because he realized that it would ignite a firestorm of controversy. On the Origin of Speci
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