Hard scientific evidence proving there is an intelligent Designer/Creator. Why had this evidence been purposefully left out of our education system? Are we by products of the educational system when hard science, mathematics, history and logical philosophy points to the Designer? Are we truly free-thinkers or brainwashed? Are we tossed to and fro through ignorance and tradition? And do we honestly live a life of meaning or do we live life based ...
Ben Marzan–-Searching for meaning in his life, Marzan studies with The Imam and converts to a radical sect of Islam. He's the perfect candidate for a terrorist…American-born, assimilated, and eager to embrace Jihad.<br><br>Anatoly Shenko–-A disaffected Russian scientist working in Siberia, Shenko is one of the world's top experts on biological warfare. But he, his wife and son are in ill health and ...
In The Vision Revolution, Mark Changizi, prominent neuroscientist and vision expert, addresses four areas of human vision and provides explanations for why we have those particular abilities, complete with a number of full-color illustrations to demonstrate his conclusions and to engage the reader. Written for both the casual reader and the science buff hungry for new information, The Vision Revolution is a resource that dispels commonly believe ...
In the ongoing debate about evolution, science and faith face off. But the truth is both sides are right and wrong.In one corner: Atheists like Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Jerry Coyne. They insist evolution happens by blind random accident. Their devout adherence to Neo-Darwinism omits the latest science, glossing over crucial questions and fascinating details.In the other corner: Intelligent Design advocates like William Dembski, Steph ...