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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Общая биология
 Arms and Legs Anatomy (Speedy Study Guide)
 Arms and Legs Anatomy (Speedy Study Guide)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  An arms and legs anatomy guide can help you to study and learn about human anatomy by giving you a visual guide to go along with the medical texts. Having a visual guide is of great value when dealing with the interworking of the human body. An anatomy guide also provides step by step information that makes the information provide clear and conscious. Having straight forward information makes the texts easier to learn.
 Physiology (Speedy Study Guide)
 Physiology (Speedy Study Guide)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  A Physiology Study Guide can help a student in various ways. Basically this study guide highlights what a student needs to know and puts the knowledge in easily understood terms. These guides are easy to use, easy to read and help you with your Physiology coursework. This Physiology study guide will make your Physiology class go better and make complex terms more easily understood and relevant. In addition, a Physiology Study Guide is affordable
 A Sea of Glass
 A Sea of Glass

 Автор: Drew Harvell

  "The author makes an eloquent plea for marine biodiversity conservation."—Library Journal"Harvell seems to channel the devotion that motivated the Blaschkas."—The Guardian Winner of the 2016 National Outdoor Book Award, Environment Category It started with a glass octopus. Dusty, broken, and all but forgotten, it caught Drew Harvell’s eye. Fashioned in intricate detail by

 Beyond Cladistics
 Beyond Cladistics

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Cladistics, or phylogenetic systematics—an approach to discovering, unraveling, and testing hypotheses of evolutionary history—took hold during a turbulent and acrimonious time in the history of systematics. During this period—the 1960s and 1970s—much of the foundation of modern systematic methodology was established as cladistic approaches became widely accepted. Virtually complete by the end of the 1980s, the wide perception has been that litt
 Sequence Alignment
 Sequence Alignment

 Автор: Группа авторов
 From Genesis to Genetics
 From Genesis to Genetics

 Автор: John A. Moore
 The Trouble with Nature
 The Trouble with Nature

 Автор: Roger N. Lancaster

  Roger N. Lancaster provides the definitive rebuttal of evolutionary just-so stories about men, women, and the nature of desire in this spirited expose of the heterosexual fables that pervade popular culture, from prime-time sitcoms to scientific theories about the so-called gay gene. Lancaster links the recent resurgence of biological explanations for gender norms, sexual desires, and human nature in general with the current pitched battles over
 Ecological Modelling and Ecophysics
 Ecological Modelling and Ecophysics

 Автор: Hugo Fort

  This book focuses on use-inspired basic science by connecting theoretical methods and mathematical developments in ecology with practical real-world problems, either in production or conservation. The text aims to increase the reader’s confidence to rely on partial aspects and relations of systems to which we only have an incomplete understanding. By abstracting and simplifying problems, Ecological Modelling and Ecophysics  seeks to ex
 The Mind's Past
 The Mind's Past

 Автор: Michael S. Gazzaniga
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