The election of Michelle Bachelet as president of Chile in 2006 gave new impetus to the struggle in that country for legislation to improve women’s rights and highlighted a process that had already been under way for some time. In Feminist Policymaking in Chile , Liesl Haas investigates the efforts of Chilean feminists to win policy reforms on a broad range of gender equity issues—from labor and marriage laws, to educational ...
Ithell Colquhoun (1906–1988) is remembered today as a surrealist artist, writer, and occultist. Although her paintings hang in a number of public collections and her gothic novel Goose of Hermogenes (1961) remains in print, critical responses to her work have been severely constrained by the limited availability of her art and writings. The publication of her second novel, I Saw Water —presented here for the first time, to ...
Though the work of Irish writers has been paramount in conventional accounts of literary modernism, Ireland itself only rarely occupies a meaningful position in accounts of modernism’s historical trajectory. With an itinerary moving not simply among Dublin, Belfast, and London but also Paris, New York, Addis Ababa, Rome, Berlin, Geneva, and the world’s radio receivers, Ireland and the Problem of Information examines the piv ...
In the following pages, we will get to know about the 50 Famous People in Modern History. We will get to see their pictures, learn about their lives and even understand the reasons why they became famous. It’s important to know, but not necessarily memorize, these facts in order to learn lessons and even get a sense of belonging with the world. Get a copy today. ...
How did the United States of America become a powerful nation? In this book, we will tackle the highlights of US history. These facts need to be presented in a way that would encourage children to actually read and study. The key is to use a smart combination of pictures and texts. Pictures are universal in meaning so they can be easily understood by kids in general. ...
Enter the world of Modern History and meet the people who braved the open seas in search of new lands and adventures. In this edition, we will explore the events, dates and people that led to the discovery of America. Coupled with a fun layout and some carefully-selected images, this book will change history lessons from boring to entertaining. Grab a copy today! ...
Do you know who Barry Obama is? Most of you might know him as Barack Obama. He is the 44th President of the United States and is the first African American to hold the office. There are a lot of fun and interesting things that you may not know about the President. Here’s your chance to read all about them. Grab a copy today! ...
Aren’t you a lucky child? A long time ago, the right to suffrage was only granted to certain members of the society. These days, everyone can vote. The question now is who should you vote? You will find that your answer will depend on the influences of the people around you. Get to know the individuals who will shape your voting preference later on. ...