Frances Stewart arrived in Upper Canada from Ireland in 1822 with her husband, three children, and two servants. The family settled in Douro Township on the bank of the Otonabee River in 1823. Spanning three-quarters of a century, her letters represent the immigrant experience of one of the first pioneer women in the Peterborough, Ontario, area. Included are transcripts of the extant collection. They chronicle the three stages of Francess life: ...
Sophie Rois liest eine Auswahl der Gonzo-Briefe Hunter S. Thompsons, die in dem Band «Die Odyssee eines Outlaw-Journalisten. Gonzo-Briefe 1958-1976» erschienen sind, und sie verleiht dem gro?en und einem der lustigsten und besessensten Briefeschreiber in der amerikanischen Literatur eine ganz eigene, eine neue, in jedem Fall hinrei?ende Stimme. ...
Growing numbers of cancer patients are exploring diet, food supplements, herbs, and nontoxic immunotherapies like bacterial vaccines as a means of therapy. Yet most cancer research organizations refuse to even evaluate these alternatives. Can Bacteria Cause Cancer? argues convincingly that unless this neglected world of alternative therapies is properly scrutinized, the medical Vietnam of the twentieth century may well affect one in two people ...