While researching why Freud failed to win a Nobel Prize at the Nobel Archives in Sweden, a psychiatrist makes an unusual discovery. Among the piles of papers in the 'Crackpot' file are letters addressed to the executor of Alfred Nobel's will, written by several notable Nobel laureates — including Rudyard Kipling and Marie Curie — each offering an explanation of why and how Stonehenge was constructed. Diligent res ...
Lauschen Sie hier den wundervollen Worte der Liebe, die Rainer M. Rilke Lou Andreas-Salome widmete, sinnlich vorgetragen von Johannes Steck. Horen Sie au?erdem weitere Liebesbriefe aus der Feder beruhmter Manner. Inhalt: 1. «Rainer Maria Rilke an Lou Andreas-Salome» von Rainer M. Rilke (gelesen von Johannes Steck), 2. «Heinrich Pestalozzi an Anna Schulthess» von Heinrich Pestalozzi (gelesen von Johannes Steck), 3. «Kurt Tucholsky an Lisa von Sch ...
In 80 Tagen aus dem Bett. Stefanie Sargnagel kommt aus dem Internet und ist die erste deutschsprachige Autorin, die im Netz eine Form fur sich gefunden hat, die passt, als Literatur funktioniert und ein gro?es Publikum erreicht. Stefanie Sargnagel schreibt radikal subjektiv, bisweilen aggressiv und sehr klug uber das sogenannte einfache Leben, uber Manner und Frauen, uber Aussichtslosigkeit und Depression. Das ist oft zum Brullen komisch und man ...
In November 1949, Davidson Don Tengo (D.D.T.) Jabavu, the South African politician, Methodist lay preacher and retired professor of African languages and Latin at Fort Hare University in the Eastern Cape, set out on a four-month trip to attend the World Pacifist Meeting in India. The conference brought together delegates from over thirty countries to reflect on how Mahatma Gandhi’s life and teachings could inform pacifist work in the post-World ...
– As editor of Poetry magazine, Wiman is a leading figure and spokesperson in modern American letters – Wiman was recently diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, and several pieces touch upon mortality – New York Times Book Review (January 7, 2007) highlighted a recent essay by Wiman in Poetry and praised the «blazing high style» of the prose. – Pieces have appeared, or are forthcoming, in leading magazines and journals, including: Harper ...