Один из величайших музеев мира – Лувр – открывает перед вами свои двери, приглашая взглянуть на шедевры живописи. В настоящем издании представлено более 100 выдающихся произведений живописи XV-XIX вв., хранящихся в сокровищнице мирового искусства. Работы Рафаэля Санти, Леонардо да Винчи, Альбрехта Дюрера и других знаменитых живописцев предстанут перед взором читателя. Каждое полотно сопровождается краткой аннотацией и справкой с указанием техник ...
Of special interest to coin and bill collectors, as well as history buffs and students, is this clear, concise and intriguing explanation of the various coins and currencies used in Canada between 1600 and 1900. Covering the French, British, and Canadian periods of our history, the wide range of currencies used is explained: livres, pounds, playing cards, louis d’ors, eagles, shillings and dollars among others. Divided into geographical sections ...
В повести, написанной флорентийский гидом Ольгой Бургасси, рассказывается о первой любви – к Флоренции и к мужчине, которая зарождается на фоне этого удивительного города. Ирина приезжает с бабушкой во Флоренцию, они знакомятся с ее знаковыми местами, обсуждают увиденное. В один из вечеров они встречают русского юношу Ивана, который становится их проводником в мир Тосканы.
Do you love museums? Do you believe in their wonder and power? Do you want to contribute to a wider museum community? Do you want to build a satisfying independent career? Museum Mercenary is for you. This book is for anyone who believes in museum work but struggles to find satisfaction in traditional museum jobs. It is for those who want to be challenged and inspired by a wider network of colleagues. It is for the creative, committed, and curio ...
Within the folded blankets of our lives across the world, corruption, pollutions, tortures and tribulations etc., have been overlooked throughout the ages. Very little attention is paid to care for. ...
This classic early 19th century Science Fiction masterpiece serves as both a wonderful period presentation of the time as well as cautionary tale. Called by many a «chilling novel account of a Martian invasion of London in the nineteenth century-a science fiction classic for all time.» Made famous by Orson Welles Mercury Theatre mid 20th Century adaptation that literally had thousands of people running for their lives at the time in the Northeas ...