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Eastward of Eden
Mrs Alice J Vargo Vargo
INTRODUCTION: A SAFARI INTO GENESIS<br>Genesis 2:19 After Adam, an adult, was created, God offered him the option to name animals.<br> Let's join him. We'll wear our jungle fatigues and tracking boots. We'll include a large quick-lens camera. Zoom lens binoculars and a knapsack containing some rations, dangles from our neck. We have heard from doubting Thomases who would discourage us from examining the New World emanating from Genesis. Our binoculars now zoom in on early creation wherein fresh, intelligent design emerges from a jungle clearing.<br> We suspect an Intelligent Designer to be admiring His creation in this enchanting Pangea. Just now a large, muscular figure, flaring with the sun's brightness, appears in the clearing behind a swathe of richly endowed fruit- bearing trees and flowers of glorious color.We are still blinking from the powerful sunlight on that figure. The DESIGNER on a hillside bluff, bright as the noonday sun, listens with fatherly enjoyment. (we're enjoying clairvoyance in this enchanting place.)<br> We record Adam's voice as he exclaims over a male giraffe, 'GOREF.' We hear him "I'll, call you "Scruff." Aramaic- Hebrew found in the writings from which the 1611 King James Bible was taken. We'll hear the consonants in English as 'giraffe'. At least a dozen concurrent nations use a similar word today. To be listed later.<br>Now Several Middle Eastern and other nations will mime the sound. Turkic: purpuruk; Assyrian: pirrpirraa; Persian:parvane; Hindi, parvana and Arabic p to f (a lingual 'bilabial switch' to be explained later) as farasha. <br> Now he singles out a butterfly that flutters near his face. I'll call you 'parpar' meaning to flutter. We remember words like the French 'parlay' of the fluttering tongue and the English word 'Parliament' for fluttering tongues. English words like parrot and parakeet for fluttering tongue birds quickly come to mind. We trip the shutter to capture the flight of the delicate creature which is now wandering over our heads. Later we'll find other Aramaic biblical Hebrew animal names, which the King James Bible or Strong's Bible Concordance may contain. I'm removing this too warm jacket and rolling up the heavy camouflage pants. Happy creation hunting!
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