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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Cooperative Veterinary Care
 Cooperative Veterinary Care

 Автор: Alicea Howell

  Cooperative Veterinary Care puts the focus on preventing and reversing fear and stress in the veterinary setting through preparation, planning, and most importantly training. Offers evidence-based cooperative techniques to prevent fear and calm reactive patients, with concrete guidance for preventing, identifying, and reversing fear and stress in the veterinary setting Provides a unique system for identifying patients and selecting the right tec
 The Elephant's Foot
 The Elephant's Foot

 Автор: Blair Csuti

  Maintaining the healthy foot condition of captive Asian and African elephants is one of the most important yet most difficult tasks for zookeepers, veterinarians, and researchers. Recognizing the need for a convenient and comprehensive health care manual, Blair Csuti, Eva Sargent and Ursula Bechert present The Elephant's Foot. Born out of a national conference on elephant care and physiology, this book is backed by 46 of the foremost authorities
 Rad Tech's Guide to Radiation Protection
 Rad Tech's Guide to Radiation Protection

 Автор: Группа авторов

  To meet the demands of practicing radiologic technologists, and students in training, Blackwell introduces the first volume of the Rad Tech's Guide Series. Rad Tech's Guide to Radiation Protection gets to the heart of what the modern technologist does by providing all of the information needed to understand basic radiobiology, the sources of radiation exposure, factors affecting dose to patients and personnel, and the most up-to-date dose manage

 Rad Tech's Guide to MRI
 Rad Tech's Guide to MRI

 Автор: Euclid Seeram

  Using images and anatomic illustrations, Rad Tech's Guide to MRI: Imaging Procedures, Patient Care, and Safety provides the reader with a quick overview of MRI for quick reference and examination preparation. As part of the Rad Tech's Guide Series, this volume features an overview of anatomy, imaging tips, scanning procedures, and the latest information on protocols–all in the context of patient care and safety. Each book in the Rad Tech's Guide
 Rad Tech's Guide to MRI
 Rad Tech's Guide to MRI

 Автор: Euclid Seeram

  This handy reference will give the practicing and training technologist a solid understanding of basic MRI principles on which further learning can be built. Beginning with a hardware overview and moving through tissue characteristics, image quality and flow imaging, Rad Tech's Guide to MRI: Basic Physics, Instrumenation, and Qaulity Control should be used as both an introduction and an examination preparation tool. Each book in the Rad Tech's G
 The Pulmonary Endothelium
 The Pulmonary Endothelium

 Автор: Norbert Voelkel

  The Pulmonary Endothelium is a uniquely comprehensive compendium of our current knowledge of the pulmonary endothelium and is the first book dedicated specifically to the subject, offering insights into current and future approaches to management. The text provides the clinician with the most up-to-date information on one of the core physiological processes in airway disease and is an ideal point of reference for both postgraduates and professio
 The Case for Interprofessional Collaboration
 The Case for Interprofessional Collaboration

 Автор: John Ashcroft

  The Case for Interprofessional Collaboration recognises and explores the premium that modern health systems place on closer working relationships. Each chapter adopts a consistent format and a clear framework for professional relationships, considering those with the same profession, other professions, new partners, policy actors, the public and with patients. Section one, Policy into Practice, considers a series of analytical models which provi
 Derryberry's Educating for Health
 Derryberry's Educating for Health

 Автор: John Allegrante P.

  Derryberry's Educating for Health includes the complete original text of his classic book with new chapters by current experts and teachers in the field of health education and promotion. The book is organized into six sections: Linking Statistical Methods to Health Education, Education As a Challenge to All Health Professions, Establishing the Parameters of Health Education, Community Health Education, Influencing the International Health Field
 At Risk in America
 At Risk in America

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This updated second edition of At Risk in America provides a detailed analysis of those key population groups most vulnerable to disease and injury in the United States today-including homeless persons, refugees and immigrants, people living with AIDS, alcohol and substance abusers, high-risk mothers and infants, victims of family or other violence, and the chronically or mentally ill. Lu Ann Aday reviews the major theories and knowledge concern
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