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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual

 Автор: Elizabeth Andrews B.

  Written by an international team of outstanding editors and contributors, Pharmacovigilance, 2nd Edition is the definitive text on this important subject. The new edition has been completely revised and updated to include the latest theoretical and practical aspects of pharmacovigilance including legal issues, drug regulatory requirements, methods of signal generation, reporting schemes and pharmacovigilance in selected system-organ classes. . T

 Автор: George F. M. Ball

  This single-source reference draws together the current knowledge of the vitamins’ biological properties in the context of human nutrition. Vitamins are co-enzymes, antioxidants or precursors of hormones and are therefore involved in a great many biochemical and physiological processes. They play a vital role in the maintenance of health, and there is evidence that dietary sources of vitamins have beneficial effects in the prevention of heart-re

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This important and extremely interesting book is a serious scientific and authoritative overview of the implications of drinking beer as part of the human diet. Coverage includes a history of beer in the diet, an overview of beer production and beer compositional analysis, the impact of raw materials, the desirable and undesirable components in beer and the contribution of beer to health, and social issues. Written by Professor Charlie Bamforth,


 Автор: Gail Goldberg

  Report of the British Nutrition Foundation’s Task Force Chairman of the Task Force: Professor Malcolm Jackson, University of Liverpool Plants: Diet and Health is an extremely timely publication comprising the comprehensive and authoritative independent report of the British Nutrition Foundation’s Task Force concentrating on bioactive substances and antioxidant nutrients in plant foods. The book focuses on the present state of knowledge and the e

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Our perceptions of dementia and what dementia care should constitute have changed dramatically over the past 20 years. Research has uncovered a mass of information concerning all aspects of dementia. This wealth of information should be reflected in a dramatic change, indeed a metamorphosis, in the way people with dementia are cared for. No such change has occurred. Dementia – Metamorphosis in Care will address the need for change and provide pr
 Formulation and Analytical Development for Low-Dose Oral Drug Products
 Formulation and Analytical Development for Low-Dose Oral Drug Products

 Автор: Группа авторов

  There are unique challenges in the formulation, manufacture, analytical chemistry, and regulatory requirements of low-dose drugs. This book provides an overview of this specialized field and combines formulation, analytical, and regulatory aspects of low-dose development into a single reference book. It describes analytical methodologies like dissolution testing, solid state NMR, Raman microscopy, and LC-MS and presents manufacturing techniques
 Rapid Psychiatry
 Rapid Psychiatry

 Автор: Alice Godwin

  Rapid Psychiatry is the fifth title in the Rapid series of short revision notes books, covering key information in a simple and easily accessible format, using a mnemonic to aid recall. This book provides an excellent revision tool in the run-up to exams, but is also useful for clinical students working on Psychiatry attachments. Rapid Psychiatry covers the common psychiatric conditions encountered on the wards, in clinics, in general practice,
 Anxiety Disorders
 Anxiety Disorders

 Автор: David Nutt J.

  Rapid developments in recent years in basic science and pharmacology has greatly increased understanding of the causes of anxiety disorders. This has led to a large number of new drug treatments from the pharmaceutical industry. This book makes sense of these advances and presents a coherent account of diagnosis and management from the clinical point of view. Chapters are in the form of surveys and digests of the recent literature and are inters
 Depressive Disorders
 Depressive Disorders

 Автор: Norman Sartorius

  From Chapter 1 «Depression, like many other mental disorders, is characterised by the presence of a number of symptoms which are changeable over time.» Among these symptoms are a depressed mood and a loss of interest; physical and cognitive changes may also occur. Because of difficulties in diagnosis (and varied criteria) only estimates in the global number of cases of depression can be made. Some estimates put it in front of chronic heart disea
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