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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Statistics Toolkit
 Statistics Toolkit

 Автор: Carl Heneghan

  This concise book will help you to interpret the statistical evidence provided by quantitative studies and to plan how to work with data in your own clinical research. Following the successful format of the Toolkit series, Statistics Toolkit guides the reader through statistical concepts using flowcharts, diagrams and real life examples to reflect concepts in a simple and practical manner. Sections include: Clear explanation of basic concepts in
 Competing Risks
 Competing Risks

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The need to understand, interpret and analyse competing risk data is key to many areas of science, particularly medical research. There is a real need for a book that presents an overview of methodology used in the interpretation and analysis of competing risks, with a focus on practical applications to medical problems, and incorporating modern techniques. This book fills that need by presenting the most up-to-date methodology, in a way that ca
 Disease Surveillance
 Disease Surveillance

 Автор: David Buckeridge L.

  An up-to-date and comprehensive treatment of biosurveillance techniques With the worldwide awareness of bioterrorism and drug-resistant infectious diseases, the need for surveillance systems to accurately detect emerging epidemicsis essential for maintaining global safety. Responding to these issues, Disease Surveillance brings together fifteen eminent researchers in the fields of medicine, epidemiology, biostatistics, and medical informatics to

 The Dog
 The Dog

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Dogs are a part of nearly 40 percent of United States households. With this in mind, author Linda P. Case has written the definitive textbook on dogs and their care. Completely updated and revised, the second edition of The Dog covers four areas of compelling interest: the bond between dogs and humans, canine behavior, canine health and disease, and canine nutrition. Aiming to enhance the human-dog bond, author Case uses clear, understandable wr
 Goat Medicine
 Goat Medicine

 Автор: Mary Smith C.

  Fully revised and expanded, Goat Medicine, Second Edition includes discussions on new diseases ranging from bovine spongiform encephalopathy to floppy kid disease as well as major updates on important diseases such as scrapie, mycoplasmosis, paratuberculosis, and urolithiasis. Information has also been added on management of transgenic goats and organic goat production. The text begins by outlining fundamentals of goat practice and moves on to s
 Bovine Medicine
 Bovine Medicine

 Автор: Hugh Boyd

  Bovine Medicine provides practical and comprehensive information on cattle disease and production and is a key reference for all large animal vets. Since the first edition was published in 1991 there have been significant improvements in disease control and management of cattle. Almost all parts of the book have been updated and completely rewritten. There are new chapters on surgery, embryo transfer, artificial insemination, ethno-veterinary me
 Poultry Coccidiosis
 Poultry Coccidiosis

 Автор: M. McKenzie Elizabeth

  Poultry Coccidiosis is a valuable, comprehensive reference that reviews the biology of coccidia, covers current diagnostic and testing procedures, and thoroughly covers the anti-coccidial vaccines and drugs that are currently available. This user-friendly guide will provide poultry scientists, poultry disease diagnosticians, and veterinary practitioners with a well-illustrated description of the Johnson and Reid scoring procedure, thorough expla
 Equine Science
 Equine Science

 Автор: Sarah Pilliner

  Equine Science provides – in one book – all the essential scientific knowledge students require. Describing the structure and function of the various body systems and clearly explaining the scientific rationale behind modern horse husbandry practices, this book has been written specifically for students on National and Higher Diploma courses and equine studies degree programmes, Advanced National Certificate and BHS Stage IV. The second edition
 Breeding Horses
 Breeding Horses

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Written for students and all with a general interest in breeding horses, this book sets out to provide a basic understanding with sufficient practical information for beginners to get started. Enough reproductive physiology of the mare and stallion is included to clarify the management techniques which are explained later in the book, but unnecessary details are avoided. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer are also explained, as are sele
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