…the best book I’ve seen on this topic —William C. Roberts, MD, Editor in Chief of the American Journal of Cardiology, in a review of the first edition This second edition supplies the latest information on epidemiology, methods of diagnosis, preferred diagnostic pathways, new medications, and new recommendations for prophylaxis and treatment of pulmonary embolism and its immediate cause, deep vein thrombosis. Pulmonary Embolism, Second Edition, ...
There is a continuing need for education about stroke and its management, both in acute and chronic stages. This book aims to facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation, which is essential if rehabilitation programmes are to be optimally effective. Any collaborative enterprise is heavily dependent upon the relationship that develops between the participants. Here a group of health care professionals give their own perspective on the daily problems ...
Spanning a decade (1992-2002), these speeches echo the theme that our health care system needs fundamental change and a revolutionary new design. Throughout the book, Berwick identifies innovations and ideas from a number of surprising sources—a girls' soccer team, a sinking ship, and the safety standards at NASA. Escape Fire takes its title from the 1949 Mann Gulch tragedy in which thirteen young firefighters were trapped in a wildfire on a Mon ...
Offering a balance of theory and practice, with guides for further reading, this is a clinical guide for the practitioner in the widest sense: physicians, nurses, occupational hygienists, safety officers, environmental, health officers and personnel managers. With coverage of both medicine and hygiene, and including sections on OH law, it is a primer for appropriate courses and provides all that the interested medical student would need to know. ...
Practitioners of all professions recognize the need and importance of collaboration, yet many find it far from easy to achieve. This book provides insights and understandings into the complexities of collaborative relationships so that individuals and groups can take constructive action to detect hindrances and attempt to overcome them. The heightened interest in new ways of working together in health and social care has merited a new edition of ...
When there is a diagnosis of HCM in a family, this complete, easy-to-read guide is your essential resource for finding the answers to your many questions. In clear and straightforward language, it explains what hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is, what the symptoms are, and how it can be treated, as well as reviewing the genetic implications and offering candid lifestyle advice. Drawing on the expertise of Dr. Barry Maron, an internationally recogniz ...
Exercise Physiology: A Thematic Approach introduces students with little or no background in human biology to the fundamentals of the physiological processes involved in sports performance. Its central theme is the physiological explanation of maximal oxygen uptake, one of the key concepts in sport and exercise physiology courses. It also includes material on anaerobic metabolism, carbon dioxide excretion and some special cases such as oxygen up ...
Musculoskeletal Examination is a user-friendly textbook designed for students, physical therapists and physicians. It is uniquely multidisciplinary in its approach, being written by a physiatrist, physical therapist and orthopedist. With tables and boxed features to emphasize and summarize key concepts, and 'sample examination' boxes to highlight and test difficult areas, it is ideal for teaching introductory courses yet detailed enough for prof ...
Evaluating orthopedic dysfunctions in patients will be easier with Musculoskeletal Examination, Second Edition. This comprehensive book is an ideal teaching and learning tool for introductory courses in physical examination. This second edition features enhanced clinically relevant examples representing frequently encountered conditions – all from a multi-disciplined perspective. Readers get the most up-to-date information in a completely new ch ...