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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Exercise Therapy
 Exercise Therapy

 Автор: John Gormley

  Though exercise has been the mainstay of musculoskeletal physiotherapy for decades, its value in other systems of the body, such as cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological has emerged in recent years. This trend is being increasingly reflected in degree curricula. This novel textbook is designed predominantly for physiotherapists and offers a dynamic insight into the applications of exercise therapy across the body's systems in disease mana
 Lead Generation
 Lead Generation

 Автор: Hugo Kubinyi

  In this comprehensive two-volume resource on the topic senior lead generation medicinal chemists present a coherent view of the current methods and strategies in industrial and academic lead generation. This is the first book to combine both standard and innovative approaches in comparable breadth and depth, including several recent successful lead generation case studies published here for the first time. Beginning with a general discussion of
 Modern Phytomedicine
 Modern Phytomedicine

 Автор: Iqbal Ahmad

  This timely and original handbook paves the way to success in plant-based drug development, systematically addressing the issues facing a pharmaceutical scientist who wants to turn a plant compound into a safe and effective drug. Plant pharmacologists from around the world demonstrate the potentials and pitfalls involved, with many of the studies and experiments reported here published for the first time. The result is a valuable source of infor

 Clinical Trials
 Clinical Trials

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This comprehensive, unified text on the principles and practice of clinical trials presents a detailed account of how to conduct the trials. It describes the design, analysis, and interpretation of clinical trials in a non-technical manner and provides a general perspective on their historical development, current status, and future strategy. Features examples derived from the author's personal experience.
 Survival Analysis
 Survival Analysis

 Автор: David Machin

  Well received in its first edition, Survival Analysis: A Practical Approach is completely revised to provide an accessible and practical guide to survival analysis techniques in diverse environments. Illustrated with many authentic examples, the book introduces basic statistical concepts and methods to construct survival curves, later developing them to encompass more specialised and complex models. During the years since the first edition there
 Pharmaceutical Ethics
 Pharmaceutical Ethics

 Автор: Andrew Edgar

  Pharmaceutical Ethics is an important text, which aims to provide the ethical guidelines much needed by the pharmaceutical industry. By focusing on many of the central issues such as the ethical aspects of clinical trials, informed consent, physician or patient choice and pharmaceutical advertising, this text will provide very good coverage of an area which perhaps still lacks coherent instruction. * Covers ethical issues involved in the testing
 Pharmaceutical Systems
 Pharmaceutical Systems

 Автор: David Hamilton

  * Offers a social view of the activities leading to the timely patient access to medicines including: drug research, drug production, drug distribution, drug prescribing, drug information and drug control * Provides theoretical models to enable pharmacists to understand the organization of drug systems in their particular global territory * Written specifically with the needs of pharmacy students taking Master's degrees in mind
 Pharmaceutical Bioassays
 Pharmaceutical Bioassays

 Автор: Shiqi Peng

  The definitive compendium of bioassay procedures and applications A virtual encyclopedia of key bioassay protocols, this up-to-date, essential resource reviews the methods and applications of bioassays that quantify drug activity and evaluate the validity of pharmacological models. Demonstrating the specific ways in which various pharmaceutical bioassays interpret the activity of drug molecules, the book covers the evaluation and screening of dr
 Antibiotic Resistance
 Antibiotic Resistance

 Автор: Jamie Goode A.

  Antibiotic Resistance: Origins, Evolution, Selection and Spread Chairman: Stuart B. Levy, 1997 Over the last 50 years, the rapid increase in the use of antibiotics, not only in people, but also in animal husbandry and agriculture, has delivered a selection unprecedented in the history of evolution. Consequently, society is facing one of its gravest public health problems-the emergence of infectious bacteria with resistance to many, and in some c
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