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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Palliative Nursing
 Palliative Nursing

 Автор: Elaine Stevens

  Palliative Nursing is an evidence-based practical guide for nurses working in areas of practice where general palliative care is provided. This may be in hospitals, nursing homes, dementia units, the community and any other clinical areas which are not classified as specialist palliative care. This book first explores the history and ethos of palliative care, and then looks at palliative nursing across various care settings. It then looks at pal
 Interdisciplinary Research
 Interdisciplinary Research

 Автор: John Atkinson

  An important book by researchers from across disciplines introducing varying ideas on research, important in these days of inter-disciplinary and multi-centered investigation. The book introduces academics to new areas of endeavour and encourages researchers and students to think broadly when devising their studies. Linking chapters present the contributions in an historical and theoretical context, identifying the themes between the approaches,
 Dementia Care
 Dementia Care

 Автор: James Grealy

  Dementia care: a practical photographic guide is a unique illustrated guide to caring for people with dementia in care homes. It presents practical prevention and management techniques for resistance to care in common activities of daily living, explores cognitive loss, physical loss and sensory loss in dementia, and examines means of improving communication with those with dementia to enhance their understanding of their environment and improve

 Colorectal Cancer
 Colorectal Cancer

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Nurses should have the most up-to-date knowledge to provide accurate information and competent nursing care to patients with colorectal cancer. Swan addresses those issues in a very thorough and comprehensive manner. Chapters on the role of the colorectal nurse specialist, epidemiology and genetics, diagnosis, investigations and different treatments make this book essential reading for any colorectal nurse specialist. Colorectal cancer is the th
 Wound Management
 Wound Management

 Автор: Группа авторов

  To the newly qualified or student nurse, wound management often appears a daunting prospect. Wound care is an introductory guide that addresses this vital area of practice and educates students and practitioners in the general principles of wound care, as well as the techniques associated with the assessment, planning and management of different wound aetiologies. The authors begin by looking at key general principles including the physiology of
 Guided Reflection
 Guided Reflection

 Автор: Dawn Freshwater

  Reflection is widely recognised as an invaluable tool in health care, providing fresh insights which enable practitioners to develop their own practice and improve the quality of their care. This book introduces the practitioner to the concept of 'Guided reflection', an innovative research process in which the practitioner is assisted by a mentor (or 'guide') in a process of self-enquiry, development, and learning through reflection, in order to
 Intravenous Therapy
 Intravenous Therapy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Intravenous Therapy is a concise, accessible guide to the basic theory and practice of IV therapy. It focuses on elementary principles, avoiding more specialist practice, in order to enable students and newly qualified nurses to effectively manage patients undergoing IV treatment. · Contains essential information in an accessible form · Presents the evidence base for best practice · Focuses on safe practice and patient care, managing risk and av
 Prison Nursing
 Prison Nursing

 Автор: Alan Parrish A.

  The benefit of having skilled nurses working in prisons has been noted in a recent report from the Chief Inspector of Prisons (Home Office 1998). This report recommended that the organisation of health care in prisons be made the responsibility of the NHS. This is the first book aimed specifically at nurses working in prisons. There is a specific set of skills needed to be a prison nurse. The environment is radically different to other areas of
 Gastrointestinal Nursing
 Gastrointestinal Nursing

 Автор: Roger Watson

  Many nurses work as specialist practitioners within several areas of gastrointestinal medicine, including inflammatory bowel disease, stoma care, nutrition, endoscopy and counselling. There has been a steady increase in nurse-led services and gastrointestinal nursing is an expanding area. This comprehensive text lays the foundation by reviewing the anatomy and physiology underlying common conditions before covering the pathophysiology of clinica
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