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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Ophthalmic Nursing
 Ophthalmic Nursing

 Автор: Rosalind Stollery

  This third edition of Ophthalmic Nursing reflects recent advances in diagnosis and treatment and developments in the role of the ophthalmic nurse. It includes evidence-based procedures for care of ophthalmic patients on the ward, in outpatients, day care and casualty. The third edition includes more on professional issues and specialist nursing roles, differentiates adult and paediatric issues, and places more emphasis on assessment skills, pain
 Chest Pain
 Chest Pain

 Автор: John Albarran

  Chest Pain: Advanced Assessment and Management promotes a systematic approach to the assessment and management of patients presenting with chest pain and related undifferentiated symptoms. Specifically, it equips practitioners with the knowledge and clinical skills needed to effectively differentiate and respond to clinical presentations where the primary symptom for seeking healthcare advice involves chest pain. Introductory chapters in section
 Stoma Care
 Stoma Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Stoma Care is a comprehensive and authoritative guide for all nurses and health care professionals with an interest in bowel conditions that may lead to stoma formation. It explores the anatomy and physiology of the urinary and gastrointestinal system, and looks at topics including familial adenomatous polyposis, continence issues, nutrition, and conditions leading to stoma formation, complications, fistulae and intestinal failure. It also discu

 Lymphoedema Care
 Lymphoedema Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Lymphoedema is managed most successfully when advice and treatment are provided at an early stage of its development. This book provides all the necessary knowledge and the skills required to identify risk factors for the development of the disease and to equip the health care professional in providing the best advice to the patient. As well as examining the physical signs and symptoms of lymphoedema, the book explores the different types of lym
 Ophthalmic Nursing
 Ophthalmic Nursing

 Автор: Rosalind Stollery

  There have been many changes in the arena of ophthalmic care since the last edition of this book was published. This fourth edition has been fully updated and revised to reflect these recent advances in care, and incorporates new information on patient care, contexts of care, and expanded roles. It includes a greater emphasis on the primary care setting, more information on issues such as new treatments, infection control, and use of technology,
 Trauma Care
 Trauma Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The often complex problems of the trauma patient present many challenges to front line emergency staff. Multiple injuries involving many systems of the body require careful and timely prioritisation and intervention in the emergency department. Trauma Care provides emergency nurses with a practical guide to the systematic assessment and management of trauma patients, equipping them with the clinical knowledge and practical skills necessary to in
 Portal Hypertension III
 Portal Hypertension III

 Автор: Roberto de Franchis

  Proceedings of the Third Baveno International Consensus Workshop on Definitions, Methodology and Therapeutic Strategies. The participants attempted to develop consensus definitions of key events in portal hypertension and variceal bleeding, diagnostic and therapeutic issues, and the complications of therapies for portal hypertension, as well as producing updated guidelines. The lectures summarized the consensus reached in the earlier workshops,
 Searching Skills Toolkit
 Searching Skills Toolkit

 Автор: Carl Heneghan

  The distinguishing feature of this pocket-sized searching skills book, like all the Toolkit series titles, is its user-friendliness. The guiding principle is that readers do not want to become librarians, but they are faced with practical difficulties when searching for evidence, such as lack of skills, lack of time and information overload. They need to learn simple search skills, and be directed towards the right resources to find the best evi
 Innovation in Action
 Innovation in Action

 Автор: Группа авторов

  It is now recognized that innovation in healthcare needs to be a primary strategy for dealing with the challenges of pressure from consumers and the effort to control costs.This practical guide describes key issues surrounding innovation, such as the barriers to innovation in healthcare, the opportunities of working across boundaries in open innovation, and the process and tools of exploring the innovation approach. The highly-regarded author fo
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