Alzheimer's Disease is an ever present problem affecting millions of people around the world and, as people's average lifespan lengthens, its prevalence is set to increase. A global effort is needed to combat the disease, including research to investigate the causes, development of effective treatments and, ultimately, prevention of the disease. Published every two years, these timely books discuss the very latest research. This new volume provi ...
Intellectual Disability Psychiatry is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the management of mental health problems in people with intellectual disabilities. A clear and user-friendly handbook, it will help busy healthcare professionals develop their understanding of the mental health problems of service users with intellectual disabilities. Most importantly, it will help them make an accurate diagnostic assessment and develop and implement a ...
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world. ...
Chemical Warfare Agents, Second Edition has been totally revised since the successful first edition and expanded to about three times the length, with many new chapters and much more in-depth consideration of all the topics. The chapters have been written by distinguished international experts in various aspects of chemical warfare agents and edited by an experienced team to produce a clear review of the field. The book now contains a wealth of ...
This book introduces the reader to the complexities and management of chronic/persistent pain. Chronic pain affects one in seven in the UK population and can be experienced as a symptom of disease or trauma but can also exist without the presence of either of these. This is aimed at non-specialist working in all areas of health care who want to know more about this complex problem. This book begins by exploring models of care and introduces the ...
This highly popular introduction to confidence intervals has been thoroughly updated and expanded. It includes methods for using confidence intervals, with illustrative worked examples and extensive guidelines and checklists to help the novice. ...
Like its two successful previous editions, Health & Numbers: A Problems-Based Introduction to Biostatistics, Third Edition, is the only fully problems-based introduction to biostatistics and offers a concise introduction to basic statistical concepts and reasoning at a level suitable for a broad spectrum of students and professionals in medicine and the allied health fields. This book has always been meant for use by advanced students who have n ...
A trusted classic on the key methods in population sampling—now in a modernized and expanded new edition Sampling of Populations, Fourth Edition continues to serve as an all-inclusive resource on the basic and most current practices in population sampling. Maintaining the clear and accessible style of the previous edition, this book outlines the essential statistical methodsfor survey design and analysis, while also exploring techniques that hav ...
Dentistry has now become an important part of everyday veterinary practice. Small Animal Dentistry provides the practical advice needed to carry out routine dentistry procedures in general practice. With over 400 colour pictures and special sections on practical tips and trouble-shooting, this practical manual is an essential easy-access reference tool. Designed as a ‘how-to-do’ book to ease you through all of the dental procedures carried out i ...