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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Laboratory Animal Law
 Laboratory Animal Law

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Praise for the first edition: “It is hard to see how anyone with responsibilities under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act could manage without a book such as this.” Michael Balls, review published in Atla “The strength of the book lies in the way Kevin Dolan brings his experience to bear blending information from various sources.” Patrick Sinnett-Smith, review published in RDS News Written by the leading expert in this field, this is the o
 Practical Wildlife Care
 Practical Wildlife Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Wildlife care and rehabilitation is often on a one-to-one basis and involves a lot of time, care and skill. However, for many years, care of injured wildlife was regarded as a low priority and euthanasia was the recommended option. A lot has changed over the past twenty years and now caring for wildlife casualties is part of everyday life in many veterinary practices. Following on from the major success of the first edition, this second edition
 Veterinary Practice Management
 Veterinary Practice Management

 Автор: Dixon Gunn

  The third revised edition of this comprehensive book continues to provide an essential source of information on practice management. It gives straightforward guidance to veterinary surgeons setting up in practice for the first time as well as being invaluable to established practitioners and staff keen to improve the efficiency of their business. Those preparing for the Certificate in Veterinary Practice Management will find it particularly help

 Comparative Reproductive Biology
 Comparative Reproductive Biology

 Автор: Heide Schatten

  When considering the physiological systems of the body, the degree of species variation within the reproductive system compared to other systems is remarkable. Furthermore, it is essential that researchers, educators, and students alike remain aware of the fundamental comparative differences in the reproductive biology of domestic species. Written by renowned scientists in their respective fields, Comparative Reproductive Biology is a comprehens
 Comparative Diagnostic Pharmacology
 Comparative Diagnostic Pharmacology

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Comparative Diagnostic Pharmacology: Clinical and Research Applications in Living-System Models is the first evidence-based reference text devoted exclusively to the subject of applying pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical agents as diagnostic probes in clinical medicine and investigative research.This unique and groundbreaking book is a versatile guide for clinicians and researchers interested in using pharmacologic agents to: Diagnose disease
 Veterinary Comparative Hematopathology
 Veterinary Comparative Hematopathology

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Hematopoietic neoplasms are the most common animal tumors for which chemo- or radiation therapy are now given. New research, information, and images unavailable in any previous publication now make it possible to examine these diseases, categorize for treatment, and in some cases ascertain the impact on survival. A ground-breaking book in veterinary medicine, Veterinary Comparative Hematopathology is a heavily illustrated comprehensive reference
 Veterinary Laser Surgery
 Veterinary Laser Surgery

 Автор: Peter Eeg H.

  Surgical and therapeutic use of lasers began in human medicine in the early 1960s. Technology and equipment advanced rapidly. Over the last ten years veterinarians have been exploring the many potential advantages that various lasers provide their patients. Because laser light energy can be applied directly to target tissue or administered to distant lesions at a remote site through fiberoptic components, laser surgery has become an invaluable a
 Evidence-Based Rheumatology
 Evidence-Based Rheumatology

 Автор: Peter Brooks

  Compiled by Cochrane collaborators and members of OMERACT (Outcome Measures in Rheumatology), Evidence-based Rheumatology is an essential resource for evidence-based medicine as applied to the musculoskeletal disorders. The introductory section covers the principles of evidence-based medicine in rheumatology, followed by clinical chapters covering all the major disorders. Each chapter includes non-drug therapy, drug therapy, and consumer evidenc
 Women's Imaging
 Women's Imaging

 Автор: Haydee Ojeda-Fournier

  The first complete reference dedicated to the full spectrum of women's imaging topics «Women’s imaging» refers to the use of imaging modalities (X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI) available for aiding in the diagnosis and care of such female-centric diseases as cancer of the breast, uterus, and ovaries. Currently, there is no single reference source that provides adequate discussions of MRI and its important role in the diagnosis of patients w
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