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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Interpreting Trauma Radiographs
 Interpreting Trauma Radiographs

 Автор: Jonathan McConnell

  As advanced practices and role extension within the healthcare sector continues unabated, increasingly practitioners seek ways to widen their professional remit and develop and add to their skills. Interpreting Trauma Radiographs provides a unique guide to enable radiographers and trained healthcare professionals to confidently and competently interpret and report on radiographic images. Designed specifically for radiographers, casualty (acciden
 Respiratory Tract Mucus
 Respiratory Tract Mucus

 Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

  The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
 Prevention is Primary
 Prevention is Primary

 Автор: Larry Cohen

  At a time of unprecedented challenges and opportunities for public health, Prevention is Primary provides models, methods, and approaches for building health and equity in communities. Written in accessible and understandable language, this comprehensive book includes the theory, concepts, and models needed to harness social justice and practice primary prevention of unnecessary illness and injury in the first place. Prevention is Primary, writt

 Quality By Design
 Quality By Design

 Автор: Marjorie Godfrey M.

  Quality by Design reflects the research and applied training conducted at Dartmouth Medical School under the leadership of Gene Nelson, Paul Batalden, and Marjorie Godfrey. The book includes the research results of high-performing clinical microsystems, illustrative case studies that highlight individual clinical programs, guiding principles that are easily applied, and tools, techniques, and methods that can be adapted by clinical practices and
 Measuring Health Care
 Measuring Health Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This invaluable guide shows students and professionals how measurements and data can be used to balance quality services and financial viability and how measures can help to evaluate and improve organizational, clinical, and financial processes. The book explains the various performance measurement methods used in health care and shows their practical impact on clinical patient outcomes.
 Advancing Health Literacy
 Advancing Health Literacy

 Автор: Christina Zarcadoolas

  Advancing Health Literacy addresses the crisis in health literacy in the United States and around the world. This book thoroughly examines the critical role of literacy in public health and outlines a practical, effective model that bridges the gap between health education, health promotion, and health communication. Step by step, the authors outline the theory and practice of health literacy from a public health perspective. This comprehensive
 Effective Interprofessional Education
 Effective Interprofessional Education

 Автор: Marilyn Hammick

  This volume presents a systematic review of interprofessional education in health and social care. This is accompanied by a wider-ranging critique of interprofessional education, grounded by experience, and informed by sources beyond the evaluations that qualified for inclusion in the review. Synthesising the evidence base for interprofessional education nevertheless remains central, with 353 studies surveyed in the first instance, from which 10
 Effective Interprofessional Education
 Effective Interprofessional Education

 Автор: Marilyn Hammick

  This volume presents a practical guide to the development, application and evaluation of effective interprofessional education in health and social care. It is both a practice manual for those in hands-on roles and a reflective guide for those indirectly involved in professional education. The book provides clear advice on methods of establishing training and education programmes and evaluating their effectiveness, while simultaneously examining
 Community-Acquired Pneumonia
 Community-Acquired Pneumonia

 Автор: Antoni Torres

  Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) refers to pneumonia acquired outside of hospitals or extended-care facilities, and is distinct from Nosocomial or hospital-acquired pneumonia, which is a separate disease entity. It is one of the most common respiratory infections and presents one of the major health problems today, with an incidence that ranges from eight to fifty cases per thousand individuals each year. Mortality is still very high and yet t
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