Randomized controlled trials are one of the most powerful and revolutionary tools of research. This book is a convenient and accessible description of the underlying principles and practice of randomized controlled trials and their role in clinical decision-making. Structured in a jargon-free question-and-answer format, each chapter provides concise and understandable information on a different aspect of randomized controlled trials, from the ba ...
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world. ...
Evidence-based practice is an idea whose time has come. Few concepts can have achieved the status of unchallengeable common sense in such a short space of time, and across such a broad range of professional activity. As yet there have been few opportunities to take stock and reflect on the evidence for evidence-based practice, or the implications of its adoption. How effective or feasible is it in medicine? Is it really different? What are the c ...
Therapists must increase their understanding of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to maintain and improve competence. Every practitioner will need to take steps to maintain and demonstrate continued competence under the provisions of the new Health Act 1999. This book considers current policy on CPD and discusses the theoretical basis for maintaining competence and for adult learning. Primarily, however, it provides practical guidance on ...
This book explains the growing field of syndemic theory and research, a framework for the analysis and prevention of disease interactions that addresses underlying social and environmental causes. This perspective complements single-issue prevention strategies, which can be effective for discrete problems, but often are mismatched to the goal of protecting the public's health in its widest sense. «Merrill Singer has astutely described why health ...
This is the fifth edition of the definitive reference source on the management of health records. Health Information Management provides the basic guidelines on content and structure, analysis, assessment, and improvement of information critical to every health care organization. This thoroughly revised and updated edition reflects the significant changes in the field and the most current and successful practices most notably, the computerizatio ...
The second edition of Putting Patients First showcases what Planetree facilities and the Planetree organization have learned about the commitments, conditions, practices, and policies that are needed to do more than give lip service to being–patient-centered.–It should be read by every student, nurse, physician, administrator, trustee, policy maker, and lay person who is committed to creating healing environments, holding facilities accountable ...
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has recognized genomics as a priority area in public health education. To help public health students and professionals achieve proficiency in the language of genetics and attain genomics competencies delineated by the CDC, this book offers an introduction to basic molecular genetics and discusses the relevance of genomics to such key public health issues as environmental health, ethnic health disparities, h ...
With its focus on drugs so recently introduced that they have yet to be found in any other textbooks or general references, the information and insight found here makes this a genuinely unique handbook and reference. Following the successful approach of the previous volumes in the series, inventors and primary developers of successful drugs from both industry and academia tell the story of the drug's discovery and describe the sometimes twisted ...